Chapter 9

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~not edited~

When I got into my room, my computer starting playing a familiar ringtone. FaceTime. I jumped onto my bed, squealing slightly as I read the caller ID. Josie! I hadn't spoken to her in ages. I quickly, without a second thought, I accepted.

"Kiana? Kiana is that you?" She called.

"Josie!" I shouted at the computer, before spinning my head to the door to check if anyone was coming, before turning back.

"Oh my God. How are you?"

"I'm really good thanks? What about you?"

"Good, but never mind me. Have you hooked up with one of these hotties?" She said, with an ear-to-ear grin, referring to the boys.

"No, because a, I'm not interested and b, they aren't interested in me," I laughed. I couldn't deny these guys weren't good looking, but I didn't feel attracted particularly so any of them.

"Oh my, Kiana..." She whined, "or they are interested, but you're just stupid to realise it," she said, mocking my dumbness.

"Ha please, I'm not that thick," I protested.

"Yes you are." She laughed. "Anyways, why don't you try and hook up with one of them. Preferably the blond-ish one with those gorgeous blue eyes, if not the on with dark brown, curly, wavy hair. The on that is top right in that beach pic." She explained referring to Josh and Max.

"No, please. I'm trying to mend a broken heart. You know what Alex said about me," I said feeling upset again.

"He said, you were ugly and disgusting and would never be able to get a boyfriend ever." She whispered.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me," I said tears welling up, "which made me lose all self confidence, that's why none of these boys will like me." I said drying my eyes.

"Sorry," Josie apologised.

"It's okay."

Creek. My head whipped to my door. A shadow was looming on the other side. "Listen, Josie. I gotta go."

"Oh. Okay, talk to you soon."

"Yeah bye," I said before hanging up. I walked cautiously over to my door and opened it. "Josh!"

"Hi," he said leaning on my door frame, smiling slyly.

"What do you want?" I replied bluntly, not knowing how much he had heard.

"Nothing sweetheart," he said.

"Dinner!!" Joanna bellowed through the house. I pushed Josh out the way and ran down the stairs. Please say he didn't hear much.


I glanced at my clock. 01:23am. I had been sat at my desk for nearly three and a half hours working on the Romeo and Juliet work. Teachers seem to think that Romeo and Juliet is so important. I mean you're not going to go into an interview and they ask have you studied the play Romeo and Juliet, and passed your exam on it? Are they really? I reached for my glass, to take a sip of water to find it empty.

I slowly and quietly padded along the landing and down the stairs, not wanting to wake anyone and crept down the stairs. A buzzing sound and a dim light came from the front room. Not wanting the electricity bill to fly to the roof, not that these people couldn't afford it, I went to go and turn them off.

I gently pushed the door open to find, "Josh?" I said. He was kind of slumped, wrapped in a duvet, on the sofa with the TV quietly buzzing away.

"Kiana? What are you doing up?" He asked, pulling himself up a bit.

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