Chapter 20

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~not edited~

I woke up this morning after a night full of vivid dreams, about falling for Josh. Urgh. I shook myself to get rid of the thoughts. Was I falling for they mysterious guy?

I quickly got dressed and made my way downstairs. A pair of familiar hands snaked around my waist. This guy was constantly bursting and invading my personal bubble.

"Hey sweetheart," he murmured into my hair.

His hands sent warm tingles go through me. "What do you want?" I said. Okay after yesterday you could say I'd forgiven him, but I was still a bit mad for getting me into trouble.


I turned around to face the blue eyed beauty. I pulled out of his hold and folded my arms across my body. "Josh stop with the flirting." I said. I'd said it so many times, however it made no difference. "I'm not one of your stupid, meaningless play things."

"Wow! You're hot when your mad. I thought we made up?" He asked.

"We did, doesn't mean I'm still not mad! You owe me!" I stated.

"Okay." He replied, still smirking.

"Josh. What happened with Kayleigh?" I blurted out, pouring a glass of orange juice. He still hadn't told me.

"How did you know?" He said coldly.

"Someone told me, what happened?" I let the cool liquid slide down my throat.

"Who?" He demanded.

"It doesn't matter who. Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned. What was wrong with him?

"Because I know what you would think. That I just shagged her and left. Yeah I did do that, but I have my reasons, all us do. Believe it or not, I do think about your feelings." He snapped.

Yeah he was right. I hated the fact that all the boys (except Sam and probably Louis) hooked up with girls, and once they had done them they dropped them. "Josh, you throw away girls as if they are Kleenex tissues! Like I said before, I'm not prepared to be one of them." I walked out of the kitchen into the large hall.

"Ah Kiana, just in time." Joanna said.

"Er for what?" I asked. I suddenly noticed the suitcases at her feet.

"Mark and I are going away for a couple of days on a business trip, we will be back on Saturday before Sunday."

"Oh ok." I smiled.

"Anyways, I'm leaving you in charge, as you are the most responsible." She grinned at me.

"Haha okay." I chuckled.

"Ok, tomorrow evening, Sam and Louis are both staying at friends, don't worry about picking them up, Nathan is doing that. Max has swimming practice after school, Nathan is at Maria's so I don't know when he will be back but he will be back before midnight and I don't know what Josh is doing." He eyes dimmed when she mentioned Josh. I was curious to know why.

"Okay, no worries. Well I'd better get going, Lily's leaving today." I said, knowing I needed to pack some things. "Have fun on your business trip." I said giving Joanna a quick hug, before disappearing up the stairs.

I gathered all of Lily's things, ready to return them to school. When I returned downstairs Joanna and Mark had left. Also, Josh was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey," I voice called from behind me.

"Max." I said turning around.

"Do you want to walk with me, to school?" He asked.

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