Chapter 1

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Hi all,

So I tried writing a story in the past but I lost all inspiration and couldn't see the story going anywhere so I removed it. Anyway, I've been thinking this story over for a while now and I have quite a firm storyline. In the past I've written to please others and it made me really upset. So now I'm writing to please me and only me. Please no negative or hateful comments, because let's face it, what is the point. I'll write a short authors note at the end of each chapter! I hope you like this story!



~not edited~

"Please don't make me go mum, I'm begging," I pleaded, upstairs on the landing. I glanced down the stairs. The bottom 4 stairs were covered in dark, mirky water.

"You have no choice Kiana, you have to go. We are completely flooded and it is going to get worse." My mum replied, emptying my wardrobe folding more of my clothes neatly in to a 3rd suitcase.

"Why can't I come with you and dad to grandma and grandad's?" I whined for about the 50th time.

"You know the reason Kiana. There simply isn't enough room and we can't afford anywhere else." She continued to pack.

I slumped on the floor and sighed heavily. It wasn't fair! How come I have to go away and live with some people I barely know. My parents were abandoning me!

"Don't look like that Kiana. If I could take you I would but I can't." She stopped packing for a moment before continuing. Folding my summer shorts and crop tops. I stared at her.

"How long are you getting rid of me for? It's only just spring in Spain, and you are packing my summer outfits."

"We're not getting rid of you Kiana!" She snapped, before returning to her calm voice, "we don't know, 6 months to a year. I think it would be best if you finished you final year at school in Spain. And anyway, in Spain it's pretty much warm the whole year round."

School. That was the thing I was probably most dreading. Not having any friends. Worrying about the language. Everything under the topic school was my fear!

"Mum, what will the school be like," I said, semi-whispering. She must have noticed the change in my voice because she came and sat next to me.

"Kiana darling, you are going to an English speaking school. Everyone there will be English. And Joanna and Mike's children will be there so you will know some people. Don't worry about making friends because I know you will do just fine," she said kissing me gently on the cheek before returning to the packing.

"Mum, I don't even know Joanna and Mark. They are your friends."

"Kiana, they are lovely people. And they will look after you. I guarantee it." She smiled.

Beep. Beep. The taxi, or should I say boat, that was taking me to the airport had arrived at the door.

"Just in time." My mum said aloud as she zipped up the final suitcase.

"Mum how are we getting to the airport, because the airport isn't flooded?" I questioned.

"We are getting a boat to the outskirts of the town, where there is minimal flooding. Then a taxi to the airport." She smiled again. What is there to be happy about. She is losing her only child today, sending her to a different country, with people she doesn't know. There is nothing to be smiling about.

"Hello?" A tall man, wearing a waterproof, dark green overalls and long dark green wellys. He pushed our front door open, sending a mini tidal wave of water into the house and letting more water in.

Kiana and The BoysDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora