Chapter 14

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~not edited~

Kiana's outfit and accessories on the side or above

"Nooo," I whined, whilst sat on my bed with Phoebe with Lucy pacing the floor. The sun was shining in the window, the cool breeze filled the air through the open window.

"Why not?" Lucy questioned. "You should come, it's your first party here." This week had flown by, with work, football and looking after the baby. So when Saturday afternoon finally dragged up, all I wanted to do was chill. But no, Lucy was desperate for me to go to this party.

"Because I'm busy," I replied.

"Doing what?" Phoebe joined.

"Do you know how hard it is looking after a baby? Plus Josh is going so he won't be able to look after her." I said, glancing over a the sleeping baby on my bed. Yes the bedroom Josh had decorated had been useful, and we did take it in turns using it, but I liked being in my bedroom.

"All of the Parker boys and Wilson's are going!" Lucy squealed dreamily.

"Excuse me! That's my brother and my cousins you're talking about." Phoebe said, making a vomiting face.

"Sorry," Lucy said, calming down. Yes Josh, Max, Louis, Sam and even Nathan were going. Nathan still knew people at the school, so he was always invited to the high school parties! Louis and Sam were always the youngest there, because no one else from their years were invited, but these boys were elite.

"Can't you get Joanna to look after Lily?" Phoebe asked.

"I guess, but it don't know if I even want to go," I said.

"Yes you do want to go!" Lucy said.

"Who's party even is it?"

"It's a school dance thing, party thing." Lucy replied.

"Hey girls, you coming to the party tonight?" Max said, sauntering into my room.

"Yes! If Miss stuck-up would get her arse into gear and agree." Phoebe said.

"Max! Get out!" I said. Why would you just walk into a girls room!

"I guess you're referring to her," Max said, to Phoebe, jerking his finger at me. Lucy nodded. Gee thanks guys.

"Max just get out!" I yelled, standing up and shoving him out the door, slamming it in him face.

"Don't go in there. The girls got a bit of a mood on her. It must be the time of the month," I heard Max mumble to whoever was out there. I rolled me eyes and walked back to my bed.

"Fine, I'll go to this stupid party, but I will have to be back decently early. I can't leave Lily that long with Joanna, something in the rules." I explained. Ok, it wasn't just about Lily, that I didn't want to go to this party, I just didn't want to see Josh.

After my conversation with Nathan and Josh, I was kind of avoiding both of them. I was so stunned that Nathan had been able to read me like a book. I thought I kept myself pretty covered up. I didn't know whether what he said about Josh was true. And that I had spilled my guts to Josh but I got nothing back. I am desperate to know more about Josh's secret.

"Yay!" Lucy squealed, jumping up and down and then disappeared into my wardrobe.

She walked out holding a mid-thigh length silk purple dress, that strapped loosely over the shoulders, and dipped low down the chest. It also had a waistband with silver and purple jewels on the hip. And a pair of matching purple stilettos, with diamanté all up the heel! My mouth gaped. Even though I had been here nearly a month I hadn't had a chance to look through the wardrobe.

Kiana and The Boysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن