Chapter 17

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~not edited~

"Right team, all in!" Our coach yelled! We all ran to where Mr Simpson stood and gathered around. It was been a busy day, after yesterday with Phoebe she kept giving me odd looks. I chose to ignore them. On Saturday we had our first match of the season. I tried to focus on what the coach was saying but my mind was elsewhere.

I was on talking terms with Josh now so that was all fine. He's still with Kayleigh but she seems to have settled down and got the gist of how our table works. I say our table, it was more like the Parker's table. Even though I had been here nearly two months I still felt like a bit of an outsider.

Lucy and Ellie had become very good friends with Kayleigh, asking her advice on clothes, bags, shoes and make up. I kind of sat back a bit and watched with Phoebe. I didn't like the look of her at all.

"Right everyone understand?" Coach yelled.

"Yes coach," the team shouted back.

What did he say? What had I missed? "Right one, two, one, two," he continued pointing at people and slitting them into teams. I just went with it. "Josh one, Max two, one, two, one, two, Kiana one, Louis two."

I jumped up as everyone disbursed across the pitch. And match training began. Sam was sat on the bleachers, keeping an eye on Lily. I could not wait until we got rid of that doll! It was driving me insane! Only five days left! The time though, has gone so quickly.

"Hey sweetheart," a smug voice from behind me said.

"What do you want?" I replied bluntly.

"Nothing, bye." And with that he ran up to the ball and pelted it down the pitch.

What an idiot.


Training eventually finished and we made our way back to the changing rooms. Ok match tomorrow, packing on Sunday, school, get rid of Lily, America! I couldn't wait to go to America. Ok it was for Dannie's wedding and I'd never met her, but it felt I really needed a break.

I twisted the shower on and stripped of my sweaty kit. The hot water poured down hard against my burning skin. Suddenly I looked down to see a small pool of red liquid swimming with the clear hot water. Urgh! Not today. I don't need this!

After my hot, steamy shower, I hopped out and fished around in my bag for a spare pad. Here we are, a week of stomach cramps, mood swings and sleepless nights. It was at times like this I missed my mum. She knew how to make me feel better. I popped a paracetamol out of the packet and swallowed it quickly with a large gulp of water.

Shit! Blood on the towel! I stood in my underwear holding up the towel in front of me. Suddenly the door swung open. "Hey there's a par-!" Josh came rushing through my door then stopped and stared at the bloody towel, my underwear and the empty pad wrapping on the floor. I froze in my tracks, unable to speak. "Are - are you okay?"

Suddenly snapping at the fact he walked into my room again without knocking, "yes Josh, it's a period. They happen once a month. Get over it!" I retorted.

"I mean do you need anything?" He replied calmly.

"No, I'm fine. Sorry." I apologised, realising it was my stupid raging hormones. Slinging the towel into my washing basket.

"No problem. If you need anything, just ask." He said looking me up and down in my underwear.

"So what can I do for you," I said resting my hand on my hip.

He coughed to snap himself out of his trace. "Oh there's this party tonight. You coming?"

I didn't have to think twice about that. "No." I responded almost automatically.

"Why not?"

"Cos I don't want to. I'm too busy."


"None of your business."

"What are you doing?" Josh persisted.

"I'm just busy."

"With..." He continued.

"Work." I replied bluntly.

"Shut up. You're coming, end of. Dress up nice. We're leaving in 20 minutes." And with that he walked out the door. I glanced at my clock. 7:40pm. Where had the time gone?

Urgh! For goodness sake! I didn't want to go! I walked over to the door and pulled out a hot pink knee length dress with with polka dots and a strap the that went round the back on the neck. Ariana Grande inspired. I dabbed on a bit of make up and strapped some jewellery on. I carefully placed my feet into a pair of jet black killer heels and looked in the mirror.

Fifteen minutes later I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Nathan, Josh, Max, Louis and Sam were all lazing around over the sofas. When I walked in I caught their attention.

"We aren't going." Max said.

I couldn't help but feel slightly happy. "Oh why not?"

"Because, you guys have got a football match tomorrow so mum won't let any of us go." Nathan said, sounding a bit bummed he couldn't go because of us.

"Oh, ok then," I replied then walked out the door.

At least now I could get some sleep before the match. 8:00 now. I flopped onto my bed and opened up a new magazine. Wow! The amount of celebs the illegally inked themselves.

I carried on flipping through magazines with the TV blurring in the background until gone 11:30pm when Joanna came in. "Oh hello love." She smiled. She had a really warm, caring smile that make you feel happy.

"Hiya, what can I do for you?" I asked.

She came over and sat on the end of my bed. "Are you okay about not going to this party?" She asked. "You see the boys are all sulking downstairs."

"Oh no. I'm fine. If I'm honest, I didn't really want to go in the first place." I smiled broadly at her.

She replied with a shining smile, happy I wasn't annoyed at her either. "Anyways, lights out. Big game tomorrow."

"Ok night." I replied and got into bed. The lights went out as I sunk deep into the duvets and pillows.


Hi all,

All I can say is I'm sooooooooooooo sorry!! I'm not going to lie, I've had serious writers block. This is just a filler chapter as I felt I HAD to update! The next chapter will be a lot longer, but I can't promise when it will be. It will be the match and Kiana's audition. Then the next chapter will be the holiday/wedding which with be a long chapter promise! Please stick with me until I get some decent inspiration. Also I have started writing my second book, but it's only the prologue. I'm not going to continue it until I have finished Kiana and The Boys. It's called 'Teenage Mum.' Check it out. Also the song that Kiana and Tom did in the previous chapter - turn my swag on - was based on Alexa Goddard and Hobbie Stuart acoustic version. Look at that. She is amazing!!! Kiana as Alexa and Tom as Hobbie. Anyways, I think that's all. Sorry again for the horribly late update!!

Love you all



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