Chapter 12

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~not edited~

I swung the door open, clutching the baby in my arms with my normal bag over my shoulder, whilst Josh dragged in all the baby stuff, my football kit, his football kit and his normal bag.

Joanna came rushing towards us squealing. "Awwwweeee! Where's my grandchild?" He giggled with a huge grin plastered on her face. Oh my God people it is a doll!

"Here she is," I replied.

"Awwwweeee! She! What's her name?" Joanna said, taking the doll off me.

"Lily Juliet Parker," Josh replied proudly, grinning just as wide as Joanna. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was everyone so obsessed with this doll?

"Oh my word! She's adorable," Joanna cooed over the doll. "I love her name." She said. I replied with a simple smile.

"Joanna, it's a doll," I reminded her.

"I know but it's still exciting." I just rolled my eyes. "What does it do?" She asked.

"Everything a normal baby does. It need changing, sleeping, playing with, washing oh and it cries," I explained.

"Ah! Well you two are going to have fun. Go take her upstairs. Dinner is going to be ready soon," she said, smiling. Handing the doll back to me.

I made my way into the dining room and dumped my bags down and sat in my normal seat. Joanna came through with a plate of pizza, a large bowl of chips and a bowl of fresh salad.

We were shortly joined buy the rest of the boys.

"Right, we are going to have a pleasant meal," Mark said, glaring at Max and Louis then back at Max, before taking his seat. I smiled at Max.

Sam took a slice of pizza out of the middle, before shoving it down his mouth and chewing vigorously then releasing a groan.

"Sam! Not in front of Kiana, she's a girl! Remember you manners." Joanna snapped, I chuckled.

"Come on mum, Kiana is one of the family now," Sam retorted, before shoving another bite down his throat. Joanna smiled apologetically at me.

Did he just call me one of the family?

"So Kiana, how was your football trial?" Mark asked. It seemed like all the boys in this family are big footballers.

"Mmm." I swallowed the piece of pizza, "yeah. It was really good. They offered me a spot on the the team there and then," I replied smiling. I was quite shocked about that, mostly because I didn't think they would want me at all.

"Wow! You must a pretty impressive player," Mark said.

"She really is," Max said. I caught Josh's piercing blue eyes, glaring into Max's chocolaty brown eyes. Why? What was I missing?

I smiled gracefully. "Thanks."

The rest of the meal, was eaten in a comfortable silence. Apart from Josh's glares at Max and Max's glares at Josh, it was a nice meal.

Suddenly the baby started crying. I looked at Josh and he looked at me. I quirked my eyebrow as in 'are you gonna get that?' But apparently not. Joanna squealed in excitement.

"Is that bloody thing, gonna do that all the time?" Nathan grunted.

"All day and all night, if it wants," Josh laughed. Nathan didn't look impressed.

"Sorry, excuse me." I said, politely excusing myself.

I grabbed the baby and made my way into the hall. I gently shook it up and down and rocked it side to side, before it started to quieten. I hushed it as it's eyes slowly drooped. I placed it on the sofa in the hall, then made my way back to the dining room.

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