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31 Wintersend, 9:42

"Inquisitor? We're ready for you." Flissa looked understandably nervous; this was the culmination of a lot of her hard work, and the jumping-off point for a lot more. But it was good work, and seeing how happy Cullen and Josephine were showing their families around Skyhold made Antonia very glad she'd had this idea in the first place.

"All right." Antonia followed Flissa into the main hall, where they had crammed as many of Skyhold's people as possible. Tables spilled out into the upper courtyard, as well, fulfilling Antonia's vision of the first Wintersend at Skyhold as a time for everyone currently in residence to be together. She hoped the outlying camps were doing the same—money and supplies had been sent to each location for a feast, and she was having dispatches sent out to let all those staffing those camps know that they, too, were eligible for a leave on a rolling basis.

The people—her people—stood and applauded as Antonia stepped into the room, and she was glad she had scrapped her original intention of simply wearing her usual jacket and pants for a more festive gown of green wool. She wanted them to see that this was a special occasion for her, as she hoped it was for them.

Someone started tapping on a water jug to get everyone's attention—Varric, she suspected, although she couldn't see him—and soon the room quieted enough for Antonia to be heard. "Inquisition! Happy Wintersend!"

They all cheered.

"We've been here in Skyhold for half a year now, and although the circumstances of our arrival weren't what any of us would have hoped for ... we have made the best of our situation. The improvements to Skyhold have been a testament to everyone's hard work and to what we can create when we all work together."

More cheering; Antonia waited for it to settle.

"I know you're all anxious to get to the feast—it smells amazing. So I'll be brief. I want to say thank you to each and every one of you for your hard work, your devotion to our cause, your support. I may be the Inquisitor, but you are the Inquisition, and your work is what has made us such a powerful force for peace in Thedas. I hope you are all as proud of yourselves as I am of all of you."

"We're proud of you, lass!" came a shout from one of the tables. It sounded like Harritt, the smith, and Antonia smiled in his direction.

"Thank you! And because I'm so proud of all of you, I want you to be able to show off the home you have worked to create to your families and loved ones. As my Wintersend gift to all of you, each one of you will be given the opportunity to invite your families to visit you here—or, if you prefer, to take a leave of absence to go home."

The cheering was loud and long, this time, accompanied by applause.

"Flissa here is in charge," Antonia shouted once she thought she could be heard. "She has been making a list of everyone in the Inquisition—a long and thankless job—and drawn up a preliminary schedule. Please, please, let her do her job fairly. Everyone will get a turn, I promise. And now, to the feast!"

There was a pleased hum and a clatter of dishes as people began passing plates and serving themselves. Antonia hoped there was enough food. It looked like a lot right now, but she knew her people had hearty appetites—something about the mountain air.

She walked along the tables, exchanging greetings here and there, until she came to the one where her companions were seated, along with the Iron Bull's Chargers. "You all are included in the leaves and visits; I hope you know that."

"My dear, a masterful plan. You have these people eating out of your hand," Vivienne said.

"As long as no one invites my family on my behalf." Dorian frowned at the gravy, then ladled it over his potatoes. "Some day we will have to have some fine Tevinter cooking. With some lovely garum sauce." He sighed.

A Candle in the Darkness (A Dragon Age: Inquisition fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now