There She Was

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9 Cloudreach, 9:42

As the delicate negotiations with the Nevarran nobleman were drawing to a close, there was a sharp rap on the door of Josephine's office, and she called, a trifle impatiently, "Come in!" It was only the third interruption of the meeting, which was a light day. Antonia kept wondering why Josephine called her in to help with these conversations, since she was nowhere near as adept with them as Josephine was, and the number of breaks in the flow of a meeting caused by her presence could get ridiculous rather easily.

This time the interruptor was Cullen, and Josephine gave both of them a look that said she suspected this particular disturbance had less to do with work than it should.

"Pardon me, Ambassador, but I need to borrow the Inquisitor." He looked at Antonia. "You wished to be notified immediately of any new arrivals to Skyhold."

New arrivals! She knew who that meant. With an apologetic glance to Josephine that said she would explain later and a formal bow for the Nevarran, she hurried from the room. "Is it her?"

"It is. They're both here. I'm not certain if Varric will like that they came together."

"I don't think he'll be surprised. After Adamant, I believe Fenris has vowed never to let her out of his sight again."

"I understand the feeling," Cullen muttered under his breath.

Outside in the courtyard, a number of soldiers and other Inquisition workers were standing around gawking at a tall, dark-haired woman and a white-haired elf. Antonia hurried down the steps.


"Thank the Maker you didn't call me Champion. That would be just what I needed." She gave Antonia a hug, then turned to Cullen. "Er, do we hug?"

"Perhaps a firm handshake, Cham—Hawke."

"I don't suppose I could talk you into calling me Evelyn."

Cullen shook his head, and Antonia laughed. "I'm glad to see someone else has that issue. It's Inquisitor, Inquisitor all day around here. I keep wondering if I'm going to forget my own name someday."

"That is the danger; you need someone at your side who always remembers to call you by it." Evelyn turned to the elf next to her. "And speaking of—this is Fenris."

"Inquisitor," he said gravely, but there was a twinkle in his green eyes that belied his serious face.

Hearing him speak, Antonia could understand the attraction. He was quite striking to look at, as well, his dark skin setting off the white hair, the green eyes, and the much-fabled lines of lyrium that snaked over his skin. "Fenris. Welcome to Skyhold."

He turned the eyes on Cullen. "Knight-Captain."

"Commander now."

"It appears to suit you."

"It has, thank you."

Hawke's eyes were darting across the courtyard. "Where is he?"

"I don't know—he should have been in the main hall."

"What's wrong with him? He should have been the first one to greet us." She looked at Cullen. "You know how he is."

"I do." Cullen sighed. "He's different now, though. It's a ... different enemy, and a situation unlike that in Kirkwall. No real need for a spy network in Skyhold. Everyone already knows everything." He looked at bit disgruntled, and Antonia smothered a smile. After his shocking and arousing stunt at the dinner the other night, Josephine had had the curtains moved a good two feet away from the statues.

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