Caught Between

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25 Solace, 9:44

They were up and about bright and early the next morning. Antonia tried not to think of what Vel must be doing at home, toddling about, keeping Roya on her toes, playing with his Uncle Jared.

She kept Phoenix at her heels as she moved amongst all the people gathered at Halamshiral. Let them think her a backwoods Fereldan, with her dog. She was one, after all, if only by marriage, and Phoenix, full-grown now, his glossy black coat stretched tight over his muscular body, was a formidable bodyguard.

She thought guiltily of her conversation with Cullen the previous night. She felt badly about the whole thing, but at the same time she was elated about the new life growing within her. Cullen worried too much, she told herself; he would see that everything was going to be all right.
Bringing her thoughs back to the matter at hand, she mounted the steps to the pavilion where the Divine was receiving visitors for the term of the Exalted Council.

Antonia was ushered into the Divine's presence, taking a knee before her and looking down at the floor to avoid laughing at the sight of Cassandra in that hat. "Your Perfection."

"Do not be ridiculous," Cassandra snapped, and Antonia got to her feet, embracing her friend instead. "That is more like it." She held Antonia at arm's length. "You look terrible."

"Thank you. You're looking quite well yourself."

Cassandra shook her head. "I am sorry I couldn't hold this back any further, my friend."

"You don't have anything to apologize for. You've done your best for us, and we're grateful." She looked at Cassandra seriously. "But now that we're here, how worried should I be?" All the humor left Cassandra's face as she held Antonia's gaze, and Antonia sighed. "That bad?"

"Orlais is not so upset; they wish to keep the Inquisition as it is, but to grasp the reins and begin to guide the horse themselves. That can be gotten around. But Ferelden ... Ferelden wishes the Inquisition disbanded. They sense a threat, a threat with friendly ties to the Orlesians, camped on their doorstep, and they want it taken care of."

"I'll talk to the representatives from both countries when we're done here, see if I can budge either of them."

"Good luck."

Antonia smiled. "I imagine I'll need it. I understand you'll be attending Varric's gathering tonight?" She phrased it as delicately as she could, not wanting to embarrass Cassandra in front of whatever ears might be listening.

"I wouldn't miss it."

"So I hear."

Cassandra's eyes widened. "What has he told you?"

"Me? Nothing. Why would he?"

"That dwarf. He gets entirely too much joy from my discomfort. I imagine he has told many people many things, and then I walk into these situations."

"It's just me, Cassandra."

"Tell me, how is Cullen? And your little Vel? You were wise not to bring him, although I am disappointed not to be meeting him."

"They're both doing quite well. Cullen's looking forward to seeing you."

"And I him. Antonia, will you take some advice from a friend, for the days to come?"

"From you? Of course."

Cassandra put a hand on Antonia's shoulder, looking into her eyes. "Whatever happens here, take what happiness you can from what life has given you, and do not let it go."

A Candle in the Darkness (A Dragon Age: Inquisition fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now