The Good Future

254 9 3

16 Guardian, 9:42

Antonia and Cullen stood on the battlements, leaning against the stone wall, while the puppies wrestled at their feet. It was a constant struggle for dominance between Lucky and Phoenix, although neither of them won consistently.

Antonia had been concerned about the two pups together, but the kennel-master explained that working mabari, such as these two, were generally fixed with magic to ensure that they didn't breed without specific permission. He had gone on about breeding and bloodlines, but at that point Phoenix had started chewing on her bootlace and the discussion had turned to discipline and training instead.

"How were the Emerald Graves?" Cullen asked.

"In a word, giants. I hate giants. Almost as much as I hate dragons." She sighed.

"I'm sorry."

She smiled at him. "Where was all this concern when I got in last night?"

"I had ... other things on my mind." He put his hands on her hips and drew her back against him, the warmth of his body soaking into her.

"I'll say you did. I certainly never have to wonder whether you missed me while I was gone."

"Good. That's the general idea." Cullen's mouth found the side of her neck, working his way slowly upward.

Antonia gasped in delight, tilting her head to let him keep doing what he was doing. "Commander," she said breathlessly, "it's broad daylight."

"Hm. I suppose you're right." With a nip at her earlobe, he let go. "Later, then."

"If you insist."

"I do, as a matter of fact."

She smiled at him, leaning against the opening of the battlement and looking down at the road. Only one person was on it right now, a single pilgrim in a bedraggled dark cloak. He had a grizzled dark grey mabari at his side, the dog moving more slowly than the person, who kept pausing to wait for the animal to catch up.

Cullen leaned over Antonia's shoulder, looking down as well, and she heard him catch his breath.

"Maker's mercy! It can't be."


"That's—do you know who that is?"


He whispered it in her ear, even though there was no one to hear them. "That is Thomas Amell. I'd swear to it—that's his mabari, Irving, for sure, and where Irving is, Thomas must be."

Antonia grinned. "That Varric. The man ought to be bronzed."

"Did you do this?"

"You had your family; Josephine had her family. Who was I going to bring in for Leliana? So I asked Varric, and he made a miracle occur."

They looked at each other, the same thought coming to mind at once. "Morrigan."

Cullen started past her. "I'll go down and—no, on second thought, you'd better go down and meet him. Last time he saw me, I was ... out of my head, calling for the deaths of all the mages in the tower. He may not want to see me again. I'll go prepare Leliana; you bring him to the rookery."

"Good thinking." Antonia looked at the puppies. "Phoenix, Lucky, with me." Phoenix came to heel at once, perfectly. Lucky looked to Cullen for confirmation of the command, and he nodded hastily before hurrying off. "Now, you two," Antonia said sternly as she hurried toward the stairs to the courtyard. "When you meet this elder mabari, be respectful."

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