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28 Cloudreach, 9:42

Antonia poked her head into Cullen's office. "You sent for me, Commander, regarding an update on Samson?"

Eustace, who had been scribbling on a dispatch, got up hastily and left the office via the other door.

"You don't have to leave on my account," Antonia called after him. "I think we've traumatized the poor man for life," she said to Cullen.

"I really can't say I regret that very much." He smiled at her, and she couldn't help thinking of that day on the battlements, the way her heart had pounded as he leaned in for that first kiss. It seemed a long time ago, now, but it had only been just over half a year.

"No, I don't, either." They stood giving each other foolish smiles for a few minutes before Antonia cleared her throat, recalling that she had actually come in here today on legitimate business, for a change. "So ... Samson?"

"Yes, of course." Cullen looked down at the desk, running his finger down a dispatch as he spoke. "The red lyrium deposits are being destroyed and we've cut the Red Templars down to the core." He shook his head sadly. "It's a pity Maddox thought his sacrifice was the only answer. But that leaves Samson with a severely curtailed army and enchanted armor he can't maintain. You did it." He looked at her, eyes shining with pride.

"We did it," she corrected. "We both worked to make this happen. Don't sell yourself short."

Cullen's ears turned red. "Well, I—thank you. But my work's not finished yet. Recruits are pouring in, more than a few ex-Templars among them. We've struck a blow and given people hope. This is a true victory."

The door behind Antonia flew open and Dagna came hurrying in, holding something in her hand. "Inquisitor! I finished it." She stopped, looking at both of them. "Sorry—are you talking? Have it anyhow." She handed the item to Antonia.

"You mean, this rune? This is what you finished?" It was round and reddish, but otherwise loooked fairly typical for a rune. Not that Antonia handled many runes, so perhaps there was something she was missing.

Dagna looked indignant; clearly Antonia had indeed missed something. "It's not just any rune. I made it with red lyrium and what's left of poor Maddox's tools. The rune acts on the median fissures of lyrium to—" She looked at Antonia and evidently realized that the technical details were going straight over the Inquisitor's head. "It'll destroy Samson's armor. He'll be powerless."

Antonia grinned, looking at the rune with new respect. "We should render our enemies powerless at a single stroke more often."

Cullen was looking at it, too, with determination in his face. "Maddox covered Samson's tracks thoroughly. But wherever Samson's retreated, we'll find him. Your army stands ready, Inquisitor. For Samson, for Corypheus, for whatever you command."

Dagna was practically bouncing on her toes. "You mind if I get back? I'm in the middle of a dozen different things."

"No, not at all. Thank you, Dagna."

Blessing Eustace's forethought, Antonia locked the door behind the little dwarf. No sooner had she done so than Cullen picked her up and spun her around, laughing. "We have him! We have the tools we need to go after Samson and go after Corypheus and end this once and for all." He let her down and kissed her exuberantly. Drawing her with him, he sat down on the edge of his desk, his hands stroking her arms. "What's the first thing you want to do when all this is over?"

She stifled her automatic rejection of the speculation, remembering that they were in his office, where the future was fair game. "I don't know, really—stay on with the Inquisition as long as is necessary. Not just from duty, but ..." She gestured around her. "I love Skyhold. It's the first place I've ever lived that really felt like mine, like home."

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