5: Lately, it seems you have a lot to thank me for.

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"Are you sure, Yoshino?" inquired Kawasaki-sensei skeptically.

Shizuka nodded while maintaining her smile. "It's just a minor bump. Please don't mind me and continue on with the game."

An ardent fanboy of Shizuka from 3-A ran over to her and insisted, "You don't have to push yourself, Yoshino-san! We can win without you. In fact, we'll win for your sake!"

A female fan called out, "Yeah, don't overexert yourself, Shizuka-chan!"

Another fan from the benches added, "If you want I can princess carry you to the infirmary, Shizuka-chan!"

Shizuka laughed softly. "Thanks for your concern everyone but it's rare for our two classes to come together so if you'll allow me to, if I'm not being too much of a bother, I'd like to continue alongside everybody."

Touched by her dedication, cries came out from all over the gym, "You're not a bother, Shizuka-chan!"

"Please stay with us, Yoshino-san!"

Amidst the shouting, a boy from 3-B passionately confessed, "Shizuka-chan, I love you!"

"Shut up, Tanizaki! With what qualifications do you have to confess to Yoshino-san?" another girl yelled back.

To stop the students from becoming overly heated, Kawasaki-sensei blew his whistle loudly. "Everyone, settle down! We're going to continue from where we left off! We're going to start with all of the balls in the middle again."

When all of the balls were gathered, the students lined up behind the baseline of their respective sides and waited for the whistle to blow.

While waiting, Shizuka cracked her knuckles a few times and then pulled her hair back into a high ponytail. She looked over to the other side to see Mikoshiba smirking at her and mouthing, "You're dead."

Shizuka sent a wide smile back. She wants a fight? Well, she's going to get one.

Promptly after the whistle blew Shizuka flew towards the ball on the left side and snatched it with ease. Taking aim she launched a powerful throw just to the left of Mikoshiba, slightly grazing the other's face and hit a different opponent next to Mikoshiba in the thigh.

"Whoo! Go, Shizuka-chan!"

Although Mikoshiba was inwardly shocked, on the outside she pretended to be unaffected. "You missed me," she mouthed with a haughty expression.

Shizuka's smile never faltered. I wasn't aiming for your head in the first place. Unlike you I'm not so vulgar as to make headshots on real people but since you want to mess around I'll happily comply.

At this time, a ball had rolled over to Mikoshiba, noticing that Shizuka distracted by a teammate next to her, she fired a shot towards her.

A split second before the ball would've hit her square in the head, Shizuka ducked sideways.

It's easy to dodge when I know where you'll be aiming.

With her eyes she followed the trajectory of an incoming ball and caught it before it landed, eliminating another opponent.

In a fluid movement Shizuka took the ball that was now in her possession and hurled it through the gap between Mikoshiba's open legs, taking out an opponent whom had been behind her.

Jumping sideways Shizuka secured another ball and threw it forcibly in a sweeping diagonal motion, eliminating three more opponents in one swoop.

"Go, Shizuka-chan!" cheered her eliminated teammates.

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