Extra: I don't need your pity. [Madoka Special 2]

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Since Madoka was not the type to openly express his dislike towards any individual, Satoru seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that the former did not delight in his company.

Consequently, it did not take long before Satoru began dropping by Madoka's classroom in between breaks to either drop off snacks or start one-sided conversations as if they were genuinely good friends.

"What time were you going to drop off your laptop for repairs tomorrow, Madoka-kun?" At some point, Satoru had stopped using formal language with him, much to Madoka's undisclosed annoyance.

"I haven't decided yet," replied Madoka without looking up from his book.

"Was there anything else you needed to do tomorrow?"

"I don't think so."

"If nothing else comes up, do you want to do something together tomorrow afternoon? I could meet you near the electronics store and from there we could go screen golfing, see a movie, or maybe get some food!"

Madoka slowly closed his book. He suddenly regretted not telling Satoru that he had plans earlier. "Don't you normally work on weekends?"

"Yes, but I've booked tomorrow off." For a second, Madoka thought he saw a shadow of sorrow cross Satoru's face but the thought dissipated almost as quickly as it came because Satoru soon flashed him a beaming smile. "I have something to I have to do in the morning but I'll be free in the afternoon."


"Actually, now that I think about it, it's only been five or six weeks since your family's moved here ne? Has anyone given you a grand tour yet, Madoka-kun?"

Satoru laughed. "Judging by your expression I'm guessing no one's volunteered yet. No worries! I was born and raised in these parts. One afternoon isn't enough to show you everything but it should be enough to show you some of my favourite places."

"It's kind of you to offer but I think I'll have to pass. I just remembered that I have some outstanding assignments that I'll need to complete for Monday." Madoka lied with a straight-face.

"No problem! What do you have left to do?" Satoru reached for his pencil. "I can help you. With two people working on them you'll surely finish in time."

"Thank you but that's not necessary. One's homework should be completed by one's own efforts, the entire system of assigning homework is rendered meaningless otherwise," Madoka stated evenly.

Satoru was shocked by his sound yet solemn perspective but he quickly rebounded with a different proposal, "What if you just get them done on Sunday?"

"I'd rather give myself ample time to finish."

"Didn't you already turn your assignments in this morning, Semi-san?!"

The two boys turned their heads to face the female classmate whom had abruptly inserted herself into their conversation.

Although Madoka's classmates seldom made an impression on him, this particular classmate whom sat two seats behind him had always seemed a little off in his eyes.

For some inexplicable reason, Madoka noticed that every time this classmate witnessed an interaction between him and Satoru, she appeared as if she would faint from ecstasy. Furthermore, the instant the interaction ended, she would furiously scribble something into a pink notebook.

Once, Madoka happened to catch a glimpse inside her notebook but besides seeing their names and the words "pitcher", "catcher" , "reversible" and a whole lot of question marks, he did not see much else. From this he surmised that this classmate of his might have been a crazy baseball fan. It's possible that we look like her some of her favourite players?

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