"Wait don't tell anyone!"

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(Stiles p.o.v)

After school I went to Derek's because I had a question about mates. I've heard about the word and done research before but what better way to get knowledge about it then to ask someone that will experience it? So I parked my jeep and walked into the finally, newly built Hale house. As soon as I walk in I see Derek making out with some girl, but what really surprised me was there was a guy too. I'm not gonna lie it hurt to see it but I don't know why. Threesomes, come on Derek! The least you could do was lock the door. I guess he smelt my emotions because he looked up at me, but that's when I ran.

I had no idea where I was going but I ran into the woods. That was embarrassing and it made me angry. I always have to go and embarrass myself. When I got to a place that I thought was nice I just started punching a tree. At that point my fist was bleeding and when I went in for another punch someone stopped me. I looked up and saw Derek I tried to jump back but I fell. Great, another embarrassing moment. I wonder if anyone was watching. I wonder if they would get second hand embarrassment from watching this. I can feel my own second hand embarrassment.

I quickly got up and tried to run but he hugged me. All he said was "I know what you saw but why are you upset about it?" I didn't answer for a minute. I didn't even know how to answer that. Mainly because I didn't even know why I was upset but then I said "I'm not upset, you don't know what I feel just because of your stupid werewolf abilities okay!?!" But after I said that he just let go and I fell again. The moment anyone decides go piss him off slightly he closes himself off. I just scooted away and sat against a tree, I collected myself and got up. I ran back to the Hale house for my jeep. When I got there I saw those people they apologized to me but I just told them, as politely as I could to shut up.

I got in my jeep and hit the wheel. I just sat there and started my car when he showed up. Great, more Derek time! Wow I just can't catch a break. I started to pull out from where I parked. That's when he ran up to me looking like a mad man. He looked so frantic "Wait don't tell anyone, you can't tell anyone." I just nodded and left. I don't want his secrets. I don't want to know them. I don't want to keep them. I sure as hell don't want to see them!

I drove to the animal clinic because I knew that Scott was working there right now. On my way there I started to cry and I don't know why. I love how my life just seems to get more and more embarrassing. It just hurt so much. I saw some guy. So I decided to stop and see if he was okay. He said he needed a ride to some animal clinic, he told me his name was Theo. I ended up telling him to get in and that I'd drive him. I guess that's what started this awkward conversation, "Are you okay?" He looked at me and I didn't know what to say, so of course all I told the truth "I honestly don't know"

He told me to stop the car so I did and he randomly asked "Can I try something?" He seemed nervous so I just said "Sure." He just stared at me for a minute or two. I took this opportunity to really look at him. His hair was a dark brown, but his eyes were a bluish grey. His jawline was sharp and his skin looked smooth. He was really hot and I didn't even care that he was staring at me. His lips seemed like the perfect size. They looked soft and pink. I didn't realize I was looking at him for such a long time. I looked at the clock then back at him. When he started to.

So I'm editing these! I'm trying my hardest to make the chapters longer.

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