One more favor

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Stars pov

I walk to a small area attached to the staircase and open a door. "Down here is a small bed room, chains, a small kitchen and half a bathroom for you wolves during full moons." I walk towards the staircase and start to walk up when we get there I say. Okay Issac your room is over here." I walked all the way along where there was a nice post looking things we turned and we went inside of it. "Each of you have a name plack placed over your door and this house has a lot of space so it's good." I say with a smile I walk all the way down and find a door. "Issac's room is here then a bathroom, Scott's bedroom then Boyd, bathroom, Erica, bathroom and another guest room right next to it." I say with a smile. "I already made your rooms look good there are extra sheets inside the closet if you don't like the one on your bed ." I say smiling.

I walk over to the other side as everyone else walks into their rooms. I made a box you can go up to the third floor. It's not an elevator completely but it's in the middles like when you just finished walking the staircase. I walk in and it fits the whole pack and more. So we all walked in and it went up we walk out to the 3rd floor and see rooms. "This floor might be empty because I made this floor just for the rooms but I can make something happen." I says and they all nod "Okay so to your left you have Liam, Lydia, Malia and to your right you have Kira , Allison, Ethan , Danny, Aidan and Jackson all when you walk straight from the elevator thingy.

You have a bathroom and a huge game room. Then on Liam's side you have a bathroom near him and a bathroom near Malia and a bathroom next to Kira and a bathroom next to Jackson his is attached though." I say with a smile as he winks a little. "Okay go into your rooms and in joy." I say smiling while they nod and leave. I look at Stiles and Derek and we got back into the elevator thing and went to the 2nd floor. We walked out and I said "Okay so over here to your right is both of your rooms your the alpha so your plack says alpha Hale/Derek or if you turn it over it says SourWolf and I know Stiles calls you that so it works and Stiles your plack says loud mouth Stilinski on the back or just Stiles on the front okay, so Derek and Stiles follow me into Derek's room." I say as we walked into the alphas room.

Where it was a nice shade of gray and had that woods feel to it with some vines and a dresser with some vines. "Okay Derek this is your room as alpha and the bathroom is right here the door to right there is connected Stiles' room and it has 2 sinks it's very nice, walk into your room Stiles." I say with a smile as he does. I turned around and look at Derek's "What the hell is going on between you 2?"
I asked. "Nothing, he's just different." Derek says and I know that's a lie because I know that they are mates. My guess is that they haven't figure that out yet. Stiles comes out of his room and hugs me. "Thank you Star I love it so much it reminds me of my mom." Stiles says a little quiet he's tearing up.

"Stiles don't cry, I know it hurts but she's okay." I say trying to Confort him. He nods and hugs me until I look at my watch and see that it's 30 minutes until the 3 hours are up. "Derek we need to get outside now hurry." I say worried that we won't get out on time. He howls and runs outside me and Stiles follows him and we all end up outside. I closed my eyes one more time then opened them to seal the house as it will not leave, ever. Then I snap and blue balls come out of my hand I move them around in a circle the throw it at the house. I do that 10 more times then close my eyes and my hand then open it to find mountain ash in my hands.

I throw it at the house and it falls as I whisper something under my breath. "Okay now only the people you say are aloud to come in can come in, your whole pack is allowed in already and also the rooms are sound proof and also if someone tries to burn it again or shoots at it, it can't get to the house well the fire can but only the outside and the house will go back to the way it is right now if that happens." I say smiling proudly everyone nods and hugs me. "Star one more thing?" Derek asked "Yeah, what is it?" I asked in return. He looks a little nervous then said "I need you to be a pretend mate of mine because there is a pack coming in like 20 minutes and they think I have a mate and I don't." I nodded and he sighed in relief.

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