Dropping Out

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(3 Months Later)

Mark's POV

Getting up every morning for school is so fucking hard! I end up feeling exhausted even though I slept for 9 hours, then I have to go though all my clothes to see if they fit me still.

I don't know how woman do this, to be honest. It's so fucking stressful.

"Hey Sean?" I yelled as I was almost in tears. He ran in to see me crying.

"What's wrong?" He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"School is really starting to stress me out! I can't fucking do this whole school thing! It's not for me.." Jack pulled away and looked me in the eye.

"Mark, I know you could do it.. But if it's safer for you and the baby.. Please, just drop out! I can't afford to, but you'll probably stay home with the baby, anyways!" I started to cry more as I saw that he supported me. Jack brought me in for another hug. "Okay, now I have to go to school, after do you want to go to McDonald's?"

"FUCK YEAH!!" I cheered

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