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Jack's POV

Mark and I were sitting in a local restaurant, eating soup. Felix and Marzia came down for the week so right now Marcie is with them.

Mark is seeming off today. We was like this when he was pregnant with Marcie, so I don't really know.

"I gotta go to the washroom." Mark shot up and walked to the bathroom.

I sat there for minutes. It felt like hours. His soup was setting cold! So I just went onto my phone.

New message from Markimoo: Can you come here quick???

I sighed as I got up and headed towards the bathroom. The closer I get, I start to hear Mark crying.

"Mark?" I knocked on the door. I heard the door unlock, so I opened it and closed it behind me. "What's wrong, baby?" He looked up at me very scared.

"I think.. The baby is coming.."

"You're only six months! Are you sure?" I helped him up from the floor.

"Fuck.. That's a contraction!" He squeezed my hand, and he was shaking.

"Okay.. Let's get you to the hospital." I walked Mark out and payed for our soups.

When we got into the car, Mark told me to call Felix.

"Hello?" He said, kinda laughing.

"Mark's in labor!"

"What? He's only six months!"

"I know! I'm bringing him to the hospital, don't you guys worry, and don't come. The commotion will be everywhere."

"Okay.. Just keep us updated.."

I hung up and grabbed Mark's hand again.

"Oh shit.. Shit shit." Mark gasped.

"What?" I was trying to look at Mark but I had to look at the road.

"My water broke!"

"Dammit! Well.. Now labor can't be reversed!" I held Mark's hand as he started to panic. "Baby, we're almost there! The baby will be fine!" I started to tear up. The baby might not survive..

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