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Jack's POV

"Welcome home, Will!" Mark said as he opened the door to our house. Inside was Marcie and Mark's mom.

Will is now six months old, and he is now the size of a newborn! Considering how premature he was, he grew fast!

Mark sat down with Will in his arms, looking at Marcie.

"Do you want to hold your brother?" Mark asked. A huge smile grew on her face. "You'll have to sit down, he's a little heavy!"

Marcie sat down next to Mark, and Mark handed Will to her. She stared into his brown eyes, making her giggle.

It's weird, Marcie looks so much like Mark, yet Will is starting to look more like me!

My phone buzzed. It was.. Felix!

Felix: Guess who's in LA!!

"Mark! Felix is in LA! Want me to ask him over so he can meet Will?" Mark shook his head yes, so I texted him.

Felix almost immediately responded, and said he'd be over with Marzia in 50 minutes.

"I'm a big sister!" Marcie said as he handed Will back to Mark. Marse ran upstairs up to her room. Probably to play with her dolls or do homework.

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I heard the doorbell go off. It must be Felix. I went to go open the door.

Felix hugged me, then Marzia hugged me. "It's so good to see you guys again!" Marzia said.

Felix gasped at the sight of the little one. He slowly walked over to Mark, who was still holding Will.

"Can I hold the precious liwwle baby?" He said in a baby voice. Felix was holding Will, and it was the cutest thing! I just had to take a photo!

"Uncle Felix!" We all turned to the staircase to see Marcie, who had a huge grin spread on her face

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"Uncle Felix!" We all turned to the staircase to see Marcie, who had a huge grin spread on her face. Felix handed Will to me.

"Come here, doofus!" Marcie ran to Felix, giving him a huge bear hug. "I missed you! And look how big you got in seven months!" She smiled as he swung her around his hip.

"Hey Uncle Felix?" She said with her smile fading.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"When are you and Auntie Marzia going to have kids?" Marzia turned white.

"When we're ready. We're still young!" Felix replied. Marcie smiled again.


Felix put Marse down, causing her to jump around the room. She stopped and looked at Marzia.

"You sure she isn't going to have a baby?" Felix turned around and stared at Marzia, who was now a ghost.

"I dunno.. Hey, can you do me a favor?" He said looking back at Marcie.


"Can you go be a big girl and get our guest room ready?" Marcie ran back upstairs.

The room felt dense, considering the question that just popped up.

"Marzia..? Marcie seems to know everything.. What's going on?" Marzia sighed.

"Nothing.. Just leave me alone.." Her voice weakened when she said 'alone'.

Felix is now very confused, and I can understand.

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