The Curse Of Multijolink

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(2 Months Later)

Mark's POV

My doctor warned me about this. She said that people that conceive with ML can possibly have contractions for weeks upcoming to active labor. I've just been stuck on the couch, eating ice cream and pickles. I don't know why it's so good!

It's summer so at least Jack is always with me now! I don't have to worry about going into labor while he's at school.

Every few hours I feel a very faint contraction. It's not much but it hurts enough to be very uncomfortable.

The contractions started to get stronger. I winced at the pain and without me saying, Jack noticed.

"Are they getting bad?" Jack asked as he rubbed my back.

"Starting to, yeah. Thank fucking god because I just want this sucker out of me!" Jack laughed a little.

"Just try to stay calm.. Okay Markimoo?" I shook my head yes. I layed my head onto his shoulder, while just trying to breathe.

I sat up in pain of another contraction starting. Jack sat up, with me looking into his eyes with fear.

"Don't be scared! You'll be fine! You'll get there, and you will be taken care of!" I felt my eyes start to burn. He look me in for a warm hug, then I felt something warm between my legs.

"Um, Mark?"


"Did your water just break?"

"Yes.." Jack looked happy and scared.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Our hands intertwined with one another.

"Yes!" Jack stood up so he could help me up. "Ugh.. fuck."

"Don't think about it.. thinking about it makes it worse!"

It took us about two minutes to even get out the door.

"Where do you want to sit?" Jack asked.

"With you.." Jack opened the passenger side door and helped me in. He ran over to his side and got in.

"You ready to go have a baby?" Jack said with excitement.

"Absolutely!" Jack put the key into the car and drove.

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