Chapter 9

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The scouting group came back with bad news. They couldn't find any buildings for us to hide in but there were a few caves up in the hills. Akashi looked troubled so I moved forward.

"A cave will be enough protection for the night. If we can block off the entrance we just need to build a fire near it and they will be unable to sense our warmth because of the fire."

Everyone turned their eyes on me and I knew that they didn't know about that.

"I thought they sensed us through smell?"

"When they are close yes but they track humans through our body heat."

Midorima was stroking his chin as he though over my words and Akashi was nodding as he seemed to agree.

"I always through there was something else to the way they found us. I remember actually camping out one night and they never found me but they attacked a large group that were nearby up a large tree without a flame."

"Very well, we should get settled before night fall."

We followed Aomine who led us to a collection of caves. The first two were too shallow and with openings to large to block. We were starting to lose hole when Takao pointed to a small crack against the hillside. He slipped inside with Alashi and after a few tense moments they called for us to join them. Murasakibara and Kagami struggled to get in but after much manoeuvring they managed to squeeze through and I followed them. The small crack widened out into a fairly large cave where we would all be able to fit comfortabley. There was already a collection of fire wood in the back, someone must have already used this place as a safe haven before.

By some unspoken agreement Akashi and his group began to prepare. Muraskibara and Himuro began to grab some food out while Midirimo and Takao gathered up everyone's canteens to refill them from the lake we had seen not long ago. Kagami, Momoi and I stood awkwardly near the entrance, unsure on what to do. Akashi noticed straight away and be moved over to us.

"Moimoi could you lay out everyone's sleeping gear and check over the clothing for any repairs? You will find the needles and thread in Kise's pack, he will help you. Kagami could you join Aomine to hunt us down some dinner?"

They both nodded and headed off, glancing back at me to make sure I was okay. I looked up into Akashi's heterochromatic eyes and felt my heart beat speed up. I still loved him.

"What would you like me to do?"

He gently grabbed my arm and steered me over to the back of the cave and planted me down on an unrolled sleeping bag.

"You are going to rest."

"I can't do nothing while everyone else is working."

"You can and you will. We have more hands then we need and you are flat out standing up. If you could see yourself then you would agree."

"I have worked harder then this before. The headman used to work me until I passed out. I could go on for days."

I couldn't stop the bitterness creeping into my words as I thought of all I had endured while Akashi had been surrounded by friends. I felt guilty instantly and looked up to apologise buy I met his kind eyes as he reached out and placed a hand on my arms, just above the bruises I had received last night.

"I know you are. You are stronger than anyone I have met, including myself. I have no doubt the only way I survived ,y childhood was because of you. You are not with the anymore, you are free. You will have to get used to people caring for and looking after you. I don't want you to work until you've put some meat on those bones and these bruises have faded."

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