Chapter 36

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Sparks surrounded us as our blades clashed. Nash was using a short sword, his face twisted and ugly as he tried to force me back. I was aware of Murasakibara engaging the large Silver, both of them using their large fists and clubs. I could hear Kuroko's frightened cries as the sound of men dying and battle echoed around.

I then had to turn all my attention on the battle in front of me. Nash was good and just as fast as me. He read me just as I read his moves and our blades were a blur as they swished through the air.

"Those eyes," he said as he tried to cleave me in half with a few powerful downward cuts. I parried each blow, moving to the side as my arms ached from his strength.

"So, you have been infected by the little one."

"What of it?"

I feinted to the left and lunged in, aiming for his heart but he followed the blow, side stepping and cutting me lightly across my arm. I grimaced and stepped back, returning to blocking as he charged in.

"Just trying to figure out if I should put you down as one of my human kills or that of an undead?"

I growled and spun in, faster than he could follow and left a shallow cut down his chest. I smirked as he stumbled backwards, keeping his sword up between us.

"Aren't you a bit too confident?"

We slammed together again, neither of us gaining the upper hand. I received a few light scratches along my arms but also repaid him back evenly. My breath began to get laboured and I shook my head, getting the sweat out of my eyes. Nash however, looked fresh still.

Taking advantage of my lapse of attention he moved in and I hurriedly blocked each blow.

"Once I kill you I will take Kuroko back. He is so sweet, I have already tasted him twice before, I am not ready to give him up just yet."

I was blinded with rage at his words and rushed in, not noticing that he had switched his sword to his left hand. He swung at me and I blocked it but the power of the blow sent me tumbling to the ground. Staying still would be the death of me so I quickly rolled away. Instead of impaling me Nash's sword pierced my upper arm. I roared in pain, kicking him away and staggering to my feet.

Looking over his shoulder I flicked my wounded arm at him, my blood splattering around him. His eyes widened and he turned to see three infected running towards him, shrieking as they zeroed in on him and my blood. He moved in to meet them as I ripped my shirt and tied a rough tourniquet to stop the flow of blood.

When I was done Nash turned back to face me, his attackers' dead behind him as he grinned in triumph.

"Fancy trick."

He moved in again, the power behind his blows sending me backwards as I rushed to block each one. My wounded arm throbbed with pain and I could feel my muscles aching in my sword arm as Nash drove me back.

Our swords locked together and he brought his right arm towards my jaw. I couldn't move my injured arm and the blow caught me square on, causing me to stagger backwards, my eye sight blurring. I kept my sword between Nash and I as I moved away, putting some distance between us as I forced back the darkness. If I passed out now, all would be over.


Kuroko's pained shout echoed around the courtyard and I spat blood before glancing at him. Mayuzumi stood at the doorway to the plant with the bluenette, holding him back as he strained towards me.

"I would like to keep you alive."

Nash twirled his sword around as he circled me, his eyes flickering between myself and Kuroko.

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