Chapter 19

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The last week of not being able to kiss and touch my lover must be taking its toll on my body. I leant against the post of the building where the celebrations for Aomine and Kagami's wedding was in full swing. Being the middle of winter we didn't have to worry about the noise or the undead approaching so it was one of the few times people could let loose. They were drinking and cheering during this happy time but I felt separate from it all. I had taken my jacket off but it hadn't stopped the heat in my body so I had decided to grab some fresh air.

It still wasn't helping. I unbuttoned the top few buttons and rolled up my sleeves but I still felt uncomfortable. The smell of all those bodies pressed together was nauseating.


I looked up into a pair of worried purple eyes.

"Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine. Have you seen Tetsuya?"

"Kurochin just went to dance with some of the young people."

He pointed a finger and I saw him straight away. Kagami and Aomine were holding his hands as they danced around. I growled when I saw that. He shouldn't be dancing with anyone else. I went to move but swayed and Murasakibara moved forward to catch me.

"Your burning up! Let me get you to Midorima."

"I'm fine, I just want to get Kuroko and go home."

"You don't look okay, your eyes are red and your skin is clammy. Let's go to Midorima first then you can go and see Kurochin. I am sure he will wait."

I ground my teeth, maybe he was right. I didn't feel together. I made to move away but then I heard the bluenette's laugh echo around and I had to be with him. Sensing the change in me Murasakibara moved to grave me but I slapped his hand away and I pushed the giant and he staggered back. We both stood, wide eyed, shocked at the strength I just had in my hands.

"I'm going to get what is mine and I am going home!"

I left him standing flabbergasted there as I stomped over to Kuroko. He saw me and his face lit up, his smile dazzling me. I grabbed his wrist, yanking his hand out of Aomine's grasp and then pulled him into my chest. The bluenette stiffened at my suddenness and I felt him struggling to get away. I let him go but kept a grip on his wrist.

"Let's go home."

"Home? But the party has just started."

Kagami moved forward, his eyes studying me carefully as he rested a hand on Kuroko's shoulder. Despite the fact that I was still holding his wrist Kuroko met Kagami's gaze and smiled. I felt an anger build inside of me and I yanked hard on the small wrist in my grasp causing Kuroko to fall over with cry. I continued to drag him, pulling him to his feet as he tried to pull his wrist out of my grasp. My mouth suddenly watered when I saw his knees were bleeding.


"I told you, we are going home."

Our voices were quiet but everyone around us seemed to sense something was wrong as they edged away.

"Akashi, what's wrong with you?"

Aomine was frowning as he stared at me and I heard footsteps sounding and turned to see Midorima and Murasakibara appear. The anger that was bubbling inside of me threatened to overflow.

"I told you I didn't need to see him Atsushi."

"You're burning up. Something wrong or didn't you notice that you are hurting Kurochin?"

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