Chapter 11

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Akashi's pov

I watched as emotions flittered across Kuroko's face at the doctors words. Disbelief, anger, sorry and then fear.

"So I really am a monster just like they all said. Just some beast."

"No you're not."

I reached for him, my own heart hurting as i saw him in pain but he knocked my hand away.

"Don't touch me, you don't want to end up a monster too."

"Kuroko wait!"

I called out to him but he was already running away. I spun to the doctor who was hanging his head in sorrow.

"He isn't some monster!"

"I know that! I raised that child I know what he is!"

"He is a miracle."

We both looked up to see my group had slowly edged forward. Their faces must have echoed the own shock on mine. Moimoi had tears in her eyes as she put her hands over her mouth to stop from sobbing but it was Midoroma who had spoken and stepped forward.

"I'm right aren't  I doctor?"

The man was nodding his head as Midoroma moved closer to us.

"That young boy is the answer I am sure of it."

"The answer to what?"

I growled, my arms crossed as I tapped my foot with impatience. I should be chasing after Kuroko not standing here.

"Will you stop pining over Kuroko and just think?"

A chocked laugh sounded from our audience but when I glared at them their faces were blank. I turned back to Midorima who was almost bouncing on his seat with excitement.

"He carries the virus in his body but he isn't sick or craving flesh. He could possibly hold the answer to a cure!"

I put the pieces togethet in my mind and sat down, my legs weak.

"We could create a vaccine to protect us from infection and hunt the undead down. No new creatures would be born. We could take this world back, bring back its former glory."

Midorima's eyes were bright as he thought of the science and I turned to the doctor.

"Could we really?"

"It is possible. With the right equipment I could do it given enough time and if I had a team. I don't have that here, my resources are limited."

"But you could still do some research? I could help, you could teach me."

As they began to talk about what would be required and how to go about it I stood up and began to walk away.

"Where are you going Akashi? Don't you want to hear this?"

I shook my head and glared at my oldest friend.

"No, because while you sit there talking about a subject a boy is out there, alone."

At least he had enough remorse to drop his eyes. If he hadn't shown any compassion I might have hit him.

Moving away from the fire I went to look for Kuroko. I had no idea where he would have gone. This place was an alien to him as it was for me, maybe more so because he had never left that small village. Closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths and cast me senses out. There. The smallest tug on my heart as if a string was pulling me along. I followed that invisible string to a small grove of trees lit by the full moon. I pushed my way through, noticing that some of the ferns and branches had been knocked aside from a small body crashing through.

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