Chapter 33

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My whole body ached and I couldn't put any strength into my legs so I let Silver half carry, half drag me down the corridor into another room. He let me go and I collapsed to the ground, my head bowed. He left me there, locking the door behind him and I hugged my knees to my chest and pressed my face into them.

Nash had raped me.

The memories kept trying to override my sanity but I kept pushing them down. I had jumped into the shower after Nash had left and tried to scrub his essence off me but I could still feel him, sense him. Even when I had rubbed my skin raw to the point of bleeding I still continued.

As I thought of that I rubbed my arms, threatening to re-open the cuts there. A pale hand rested on top of it, stopping my restlessness. My head jerked up and I saw a pale man with silver hair in front of me. My eyes widened it shock but he held up his hand, a smile on his face.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I am Nash's prisoner too. Oh look, you hurt yourself."

I looked down at my arm to see I had indeed opened a cut on my arm. The silver haired man moved over to a basin and wet a towel before moving over and with a glance to see if it was okay proceeded to wipe the blood off. He then indicated for me to hold pressure until the bleeding stopped. After that he sat back and I could feel his eyes roam over me, studying my injuries. I felt self-conscious about the bruises on my wrists and throat, sure he would know what they were from. When I met his gaze, his face was grim.

"I'm sorry."

I raised my eyebrow at his words.

"Why? You didn't do this to me."

"My name is Mayuzumi. I was originally part of Nash's squad. I should have seen his dark tendencies, then maybe I could have warned the settlement about him."

I thought over his words as I hugged my knees tighter.

"I've learnt you can't bear responsibility for someone else's wrongs. I know a young woman who was raised by nasty people but she herself has one of the kindest hearts I have ever known. This isn't your fault."

A relieved smile flickered on his face and I saw his shoulders relax, as if my words had relieved a great burden off him.

"Thank you. I don't think I've seen you before. Surely I would have remembered seeing someone as beautiful as you in the compound."

I let his words slide off me, I had become used to being viewed as a flower, scars and all.

"I came here with a friend. We had heard this was a safe place. That is of course until Nash took control."

"Ah Kuroko, you're up!"

I flinched and stood up, darting behind Mayuzumi as Nash walked into the door with Silver behind him. At the sight of the blonde I began to trembled with fear. The silver haired man felt it and shifted so he was shielding me.

"For a moment, I thought I might have been too rough last night. I just couldn't wait any longer to taste you."

My blood froze and I closed my eyes in shame. If Mayuzumi hadn't known what was done to me, he did now.

"You bastard Nash!"

I was shocked at the rage pouring from him as he glared at Nash.

"You're a disgrace to your father's name!"

The blonde's fist slammed into the side of Mayuzumi's head and he fell to the ground. I cried out and went to help him but Nash grabbed my arm, keeping me beside him.

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