Chapter 50

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Kuroko's Pov

When I woke up in the morning I turned around in Akashi's arm to watch his sleeping face. Reaching out I stroked his cheek. He mumbled in his sleep and tightened his hold around my waist, his hand protectively splayed over my stomach. I felt so lucky to have him by my side. It was hard to believe that someone so strong, handsome and loving was mine. Sunlight shone on the ring on my finger and over his perfect face but he didn't stir. He had been up in the middle of the night to run patrol and had only gotten back an hour before dawn.

My stomach gave a little rumble and I could feel the slight nauseas feeling that told me I needed to take some serum. Leaving Akashi sleeping I slipped out of bed and ducked in for a shower to wake myself up and tame my wild bed hair. I quickly scrubbed myself, pointedly not looking at the marks on my body. I had asked Akashi and Mayuzumi to pull the mirrors down in our bedroom and the bathroom but I couldn't stop from seeing the burn on my chest and the small scars on my legs and arms. I had to see them, but I didn't have to see my ruined back. I hadn't looked at the scarred flesh in months. I knew they had healed but there was some that were still raised and puffy. They would take some time before they became white like the ones that I had from the headman's treatment.

Stepping out of the shower I changed into a comfortable pair of long pants and a flow shirt, cupping my stomach, still surprised to see it.

"Let's get some breakfast, little one."

Heading into the kitchen I grabbed out a small vial from the fridge. Closing my eyes, I quickly gulped the red liquid down, grimacing at the iron tang on my tongue. I took it once a day and it still didn't taste any better.

I poured myself a cup of juice to wash away the taste and moved over to Mayuzumi's open bedroom door and peeked in. He wasn't there. He must have headed out again early this morning. I flushed, thinking of what Akashi and I had done. I hoped he would be able to keep most of that hidden from the silver haired man, it was embarrassing that they could tell what another was feeling.

Heading back to the kitchen I finished my juice and looked in the fridge, wondering what I should cook up. we were running a little low on items and I decided that I would go out. Murasakibara had been making me sweets and drinks with vanilla in them and I was craving something sweet. Grabbing a jacket to ward off the chilly morning air I looked in on Akashi but he was still asleep. I quickly wrote him a not and headed out.

It had been a while since I had been out by myself and I found the morning quite peaceful. I waved to some of the settlers who all joked around, asking if I had asked the boss to be out by myself. I laughed with them, but part of me was feeling a little guilty imaging Akashi waking up to find me missing.

When I walked into the hall it was fuller than I thought, a lot of people obviously preferring Murasakibara's cooking to their own. I headed to the food bar and dished up some toast, eggs and something that looked like some sort of bird. I glanced around and caught sight of Himuro bringing out some fresh milk. When he saw me he smiled and waved, glancing around obviously looking for Akashi.

"He is still in bed and I don't know where Mayuzumi is. I was hoping to see him here."

"Hmm, he spent last night out and about with everyone. Haven't seen him this morning. I think he might have gone out with the hunters. Should you be out?"

"Honestly Himuro, nothing is going to happen inside this compound, you sound just like Akashi."

"Okay, okay. I will have Atsushi brew you up some coffee with vanilla in it."

"That would be great, thanks!"

I waved goodbye and headed to a small table tucked away in the corner and got to devouring my food. The bread was warm and fresh and I hummed in pleasure.

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