Chapter 63

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I sat with my back up against a large boulder with Kuroko and Mitsuki asleep next to me in their sleeping bag with his hand holding tightly to the edge of my shirt. Since we had been reunited he had been stuck to my side like glue, constantly reaching out to hold or touch me as if he was afraid I was a dream that would disappear. I couldn't blame him. Even though I had been in a coma of sorts my every thought had been about him. To have been alone for two weeks, thinking I was dead and gone had to have been the hardest thing he had been through.

After we had cleared out the infected we had set the bodies and the hut ablaze and moved in to the caves to rest up before heading off to Haizaki's sanctuary. Once I had told everyone what had happened any uneasiness they had felt towards the silver haired man was gone and they were excited to have a destination in mind.

Midorima was the only one to pull me aside and ask what I thought. I hadn't told anyone else about his wife and child but when I explained it to Midorima he understood that we could trust him. Any uneasiness we had felt when we had first encountered had been from his own grief. When I had then tried to thank him for looking after everyone he waved my words away and surprised me with a crushing hug, tears sparkling in his emerald eyes. I hugged the larger man back, my own eyes stinging with tears. It was good to be back with everyone and I was truly sorry for the sorrow and pain I had caused them.

Sitting now looking out over everyone I felt like I was back where I belonged. I heard Mitsuki stirring and I scooped her up before she started crying and woke Kuroko up. she sucked on her thumb as I cradled her and gently rocked her in my arms. She must be hungry. Looking down at Kuroko clinging to my shirt and Mayuzumi who was wedged against the rock beside me, his head resting on my shoulder I realised I wouldn't be able to move without waking them up.

"Here, I can feed her."

I looked up as Momoi moved over and took Mitsuki. She was the only one aside from myself that was still awake from our original group. Hanamiya was patrolling outside, making sure that no other infected had caught our scent but the raging fire from the old hut seemed to have thrown them off. I thanked her and she walked over to the fire where Haizaki was dozing against a large log. I watched as she boiled up some milk from the goat we had saved. As she did so Haizaki woke up and he smiled up at her.

"Hello my love. How's our child?"

"Excuse me?"

At the sound of her voice his eyes widened and he blinked the last of the sleep out of his eyes. when he realised where he was his face turned to stone and he got quickly to his feet, startling Momoi who stepped back, holding Mitsuki close to her chest.

"Sorry, I wasn't awake. If you will excuse me."

With that he rushed out of the cave leaving Momoi standing stunned and confused.

"What a wierdo. I don't think I can trust him."


"I know he saved you but the way he was staring at Mitsuki, it isn't right! What if he tries to take her, or Tetsu-chan. I won't let him, even if he is your saviour."

"He wasn't looking at her, he was looking at you. Or both of you."

"What do you mean? That is even creepier."

"He lost his wife and child."

She instantly sobered at my words and I saw guilt flash across her face.

"That poor man."

"He is carrying a heavy burden."

Ishida had woken at our words and moved over, keeping his voice low to avoid waking any of the others up.

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