Chapter 13

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I spent the next couple of days holed up with Midorima and doctor Aida. They took bloods and asked me to eat weird food and drink different concoctions to see if I was affected at all. They tested my endurance, how far I could run, how long I could hold my breath, how good my night vision was. We even went beyond the gates to see how far my senses ranged with the undead, if I could tell how many there were and if I knew their destinations.

Akashi stayed by my side the whole time. Even though I knew he must have felt a bored as me he never left.

My nights belonged with him. We had been given our own little cottage. Our relationship was no secret now, the entire village new of it. Not one person however thought it wrong that someone like me could have a lover. The people had adopted us all into their fold with ease and we had become a part of their family almost overnight.

To think that this was humanity, the way people were meant to be treated. I found myself just waiting for when the veil would lift, for the stinging words and blows to rain down again but it never came.

I hadn't had a moment alone to talk to Momoi either. Each time we saw each other at the dinner table I could see her eyes burning with questions. If I didn't pull her aside for some 'girl' talk soon she might explode.

One afternoon while I was cleaning up after one of the tests I saw Akashi talking to someone at the door. When he saw me he beckoned over.

"You have done enough today. They said its time you enjoyed some time off."

"What do you want to do?"

"Not us."

He opened the door wider and I saw Momoi standing there, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement. I smiled and rushed over to hug her, it felt so long since I had seen her. Stepping back, I looked up at Akashi and my heart was torn. To have a free afternoon, I wanted so badly to spend it with him but I also wanted to spend it with my best friend. He saw the pained expression and leant down, his lips brushing along my ear.

"Don't worry, we have tonight."

I shivered at the huskiness in his voice and felt my cheeks heat up. We had done little more than cuddle and kiss lately, the promise of some uninterrupted time might lead to more. Unable to resist I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his. He snaked his arm around my waist as mine went around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"Good grief you two, get it together it's not like I am taking him away forever."

Akashi smirked as Momoi tugged my arm, pulling us apart. He brushed his finger along my lips.

"Have fun."

Momoi almost had to drag me away when I kissed him again.

"Geeze Kuroko, since when were you so eager?"

I shrugged, my lips tingling from our kisses.

She led us back to my little cabin and plopped herself on my bed. I could see her lip was poking out in a small pout so I smiled and clambered next to her, cuddling her.

"I've missed you."

She tried to stay mad but then she gave way and cuddled me back.

"Well you could have said something! I know I'm not some handsome red head but still you could have spared some time for me!"

"I really haven't had any time, Momoi. We have been running tests all this time. By the time I go to bed I'm so exhausted I go straight to sleep. I haven't really spent much time with Akashi either, not alone time anyway."

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