Chapter 6

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AN: some people have asked about the dates and ages of people.

13 August 2006 - wedding date - Bella runs and hides for five years so that makes it Christmas 2011 for this story.

13 September - Bella's birthday, so she is now 24

Josh married at 18 (in my AU) left when Sam was a baby so he must be 19 plus Sam's age (dob 1986) So that makes Josh 19+25 or about 44- let's say 45 as it is the end of the year. Benjamin Bratt is 49 in real life, so that works for me.

Charlie is born in 1964.

One thing to change… Billy is born in the mid 1950's according to canon. I don't see how that works if he and Charlie were friends as kids, which is I think, canon, too. So Billy is going to lose ten years… lol.

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Embry appeared suddenly on the porch. "Jake?"


"It's your dad."

"Dad?" Jake's face looked suddenly like that of a small boy who was terrified.

"You need to come now."

"Oh Jake, I'm so sorry," Bella sympathized.

"No, Bella," Embry said. "He seems to be waking up."

They ran.

The wolves beat her to the bedside, of course. The tiny room seemed even more cramped with Charlie, Sue, and Jake in there. Embry hovered uncertainly outside the door. Bella wasn't sure what to do but then Embry placed a big hand firmly in the center of her back and pushed her inside the room.

"But—" she said.


"Too crowded."

"It's fine. Sam and Allison are gone. Ducked out the back door to avoid Jake. I'll sit with Josh for you."

"Thanks, Embry."

"Bella?" a croaky voice called her name.

She saw Billy, looking very different to the way he had earlier. He seemed to have more color in his face and he was looking at her with a look of wonder. He was even sitting up a little in his bed, pillows piled behind him. He glanced at Charlie.

"I know," Charlie agreed.

"About time."

She smiled at him, genuinely pleased to see him awake.

"Look at you, Old Man," Charlie said. "We were ready to light the fires under you."

"Not yet," Billy replied. They clasped hands warmly and Charlie patted him on the shoulder with his other hand.

Sue was fiddling with some medical equipment. "This is weird," she muttered.

"What is?" Charlie asked.

"His blood sugar levels are normal."

"You must have made a mistake," Jake said.

Sue glared at Jake. "I don't make mistakes, Jacob."

"He's healed?" Charlie asked.

"People don't heal diabetes. They can get it under control and that's all," Sue insisted. It sounded like she had had this argument before.

"I feel fine," Billy argued.

"Bullshit," Sue said.

Jake looked surprised.

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