Chapter 57

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Chapter 57 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Thanks to BanSidhe [ruadh sidhe] and Feebes86 for betaing and pre-reading.

Josh knew when Sam was on patrol and made sure he was at his house. He watched Allison leave with the kids and was glad he had just missed her, too. Things had been so strained between him and Sam it made his heart hurt. He needed to talk to Emily alone and when he knocked on the door, she didn't look surprised to see him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your kid free time," he apologized.

"I'm just surprised that Bella didn't come with you."

"She wanted to, I said I wanted to do this alone."

"Come in and sit down. You know I like to get my feet up."

"How many weeks left?"

"I'm not sure because my babies are often late. They don't want to come out." She patted her stomach. "Can't say that I blame them, but according to the calendar and the doctor we have two more weeks."

Josh nodded and stared at the carpet. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and huffed out a breath.

"Just tell me," Emily said.

"I don't want to upset you."

"I'm very placid right now."

"With the baby coming so soon."

"Honestly Nate could be setting the house on fire and I would say 'not now, honey'." She patted his hand. "Just tell me."

He explained to her what had happened during the mind share with his sons.

She watched him as he spoke, blinked quickly at one stage and then just looked worried. "Thank you for being honest. Sam was very upset when he got home. Has he been avoiding you?"


"He can't do that now; not with the Volturi coming."

"It's not ideal."

"What else did you need to say?"

He smiled ruefully. "Leah has a theory…" He told her about the scar kissing theory.

Emily's hand rose to her face and traced down the marks; still so livid and ugly on her beautiful face.

"He does… doesn't he?" She stared at nothing; lost in thought. "I would never have thought to tell him not to, Leah's right."

"I think Sam is still carrying a lot of hurt. I want to help him and to help you."

"I made him do the mind share."

"That's what Izzy thought, too. I know you want to help him and we need to do this before the baby arrives."

"I can talk to him."

"He's not upset with you?"

"Me? Gosh, no."

"Will he let me try some shaman stuff again, or has he sworn off it?"

"He believes in the tribal magic. I know he does." She looked at Josh's worried face. "We can fix this, Josh. You know he believes it because he helped make your shaman stick."

"Yes. It has his blood on it."

"So bring it, too. Tonight. After the kids are asleep. I will call you."

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