Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Thanks to BanSidhe [ruadh sidhe] and Feebes86 for betaing and pre-reading.

No longer the naive virgin, Bella had still never had the opportunity to really examine someone's body. Her lovers had been quick assignations; an itch that needed to be scratched. None of them had been more than a night or two, that had, looking back, left her more unsatisfied. So Josh was the first guy whose body she had really explored.

Now she took delight in finding things on Josh's body; a mole on his back, a scar on his buttock, he refused to tell her the story of how that happened and she laughed and let him keep some of his secrets.

She was reveling in this. His eyes were closed but a smile peeked at the corner of his mouth. She was lying on his body studying his face. Given he had just finished shaving, his cheeks were baby soft.

"Why are guys eyelashes always so long?"

"I don't know… hairier?"

"Huh." She found a spot behind his ear at the top of his neck that made him shiver. She buried her face in there and kissed it. He made a low hum noise.

"I bet your wolf likes that, too."

He smiled.

Her lips tracked down and out to the point of his shoulder, down the meat of the shoulder muscle and into his armpit. Her eager fingers traced his ribs and the bands of muscle on his torso. She licked at his nipples and watched them harden. A glance down his body showed that other parts of him were enjoying this, too. "You like it."

"I am finding it very hard to just lie here."

"I'm not teasing you - I'm exploring you."

"Go south," he hinted.

She chuckled, but she did.

He wasn't fully erect and she delighted in playing with the fine delicate skin covering his cock, tracing the crease between his balls with her tongue. The hot, musky scent of him filled her senses. She licked up his length to the rounded head.

He made a noise in the back of his throat and gripped at the bedsheets. Her fingers slipped under him carefully so that he lay against the soft underside of her fingers. She bathed him, laved him with her tongue, loved him with her mouth.

"Jesus, Izzy." He groaned.

She dug the point of her tongue in the dip on the underside of his now rigid cock.

He whimpered.

She wanted to hear him beg. Lifting him in her hands she planted a kiss on the rounded head. She could already taste him, leaking a little in his excitement. Her eyes closed and she kissed him again, this time pressing down hard and allowing the head to slide into her mouth. She held him there, lips closed around the cap and she rocked her head back in little movements, still holding him firmly; a look of pure ecstasy on her face. She held him until he begged.

"Please… Izzy, please…"

And then she worked him with hands and lips and tongue and a touch of teeth until his stomach muscles twitched and his knuckles clenched. When his hips lifted she knew he was close. Gasping and blowing she took him in as deep as she could. Her hands tightened around the base and she sucked hard.

I'll be home for ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora