Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

[AN: According to the family trees in the Illustrated Twilight Guide by Stephenie Meyer, that I am using in this story, Billy Black has four sisters. One of whom is Collin's mother. I can't adequately explain how this can be. The guide was released AFTER the book series was completed. If they were around, then Jake would have had a much more normal teen life. From the books he spent a lot of his time looking after his father. I really think it is another thing that SM has just made up later, with no thought of how it skewed the earlier books. Plus the whole thing that there are only three options for Embry's father goes out the window if a whole lot of other people have wolf kids. There was ZERO mention of Billy's sisters in the books or that Collin was Jake's first cousin. She also gave Paul a name, added in an extra generation for Jake's and Quil's families and still didn't give poor old Kim a surname. But don't get me started…

But I am following that new history, so it is self-inflicted I suppose. Sigh.]

Collin Littlesea's mother was a twin; a Black twin in fact. There were more than a few of them scattered through the family tree. Connie Black. And there was no one she was closer to or on rare occasions that she fought harder with than her twin Jennie. Today was one of those rare days. Collin sat with a bowl of cereal and listened. He'd eaten dinner but he was hungry again. Not that he needed to listen in, he could hear them a mile away. He was eighteen now, but still lived at home.

She was on the phone but Collin knew it was her twin she was talking to. They were fighting over Rebecca Black. It seemed she had arrived at the rez to see Billy and then had turned around and left again without bothering to see anyone else in the family, either. It was the biggest family news in ages. Almost as big as Billy getting better.

And someone was trying to call them. He could hear the intermittent beep that she was ignoring. Then he heard Sam, his pack Beta call from outside the house.

He ducked out to see him. "Was that you on the phone?"

"Yeah. Where's yours?"

"Dunno. Might be in my room somewhere."

"Find it. But first calm her down," Sam said.

"What? Why?"

"Or get her outside."


"The parents are phasing, Collin."

"Shit! She's a Black."


He thought about it. "Cut the power off," Collin said.


"It'll cut the handset off and end the call. It's a cordless phone."

"Good. I'll do that. You grab her and get her outside. Where's your father?"

"I'm not sure. Why?"

"They are imprinting, too." Sam looked more serious than he normally did. "Just in case… it'd be good if their spouses are the first people they see."

"There aren't any guarantees."

"I know that."

"I'll call him and get him to meet us here. Give me a minute to sniff out my phone."


Sam's phone buzzed. It wasn't Jake as he expected, but Bella using his phone to tell him they were on their way back and she may have a tail. Sam almost rolled his eyes. This girl was trouble. Constant trouble. Jake should be here - he was the Alpha and he was off a road trip with Bella.

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