Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Thanks to BanSidhe [ruadh sidhe] and Feebes86 for betaing and pre-reading.

Josh was sound asleep. His limbs sprawled on the bed. Naked as always and not under the covers. She could see him in the light from the bathroom, before she turned the light out. She thought he was gorgeous.

She half got Edward's need to watch her sleep. Not all the time, and not when you didn't sleep at all yourself; that was creepy.

She was tempted to wake him up, but he was working so hard. The change had added some muscle to his previously more lean body. The planes of his stomach had definition and his shoulders looked wider than when they first met. She forgot not to touch him and in the now darkened room, she trailed a finger from the point of his shoulder to his throat. The change in his body told her that she had woken him up. He could see everything in the dark with his enhanced vision. She probably looked caught out. "I love you," she blurted out.


She poked him.

"You know how I feel," he said as he stretched and breathed deeply.

"Yes. I know."

His arm pulled her down onto his chest. He held her close for a minute. She listened to him breathe.

"Can't sleep?" he asked. He knew it wasn't because she had a nightmare.

She nodded against him. "Just… general anxiety."

"Come here, then," he said. He lifted her legs and made her straddle him. She could feel him hardening under her.

"Sex is not the answer to everything," she suggested as she sat up. "Not that I am saying, no."

"It is an answer to your insomnia."


"You always sleep better after sex."

"I do?"

"You haven't noticed that?"

"I suppose so," she said and frowned as she tried to think about it. "I know that I fall asleep on you a lot."

"There you go."

"It's a wonder," she said. "The way you get my heart rate going."

He chuckled; it sounded pleased. He reached over and flicked the lamp on. She blinked in the sudden light change.

She asked him a question with her eyebrows.

"I like you seeing me," he said.

"Right. Because you can see me."

"I can… I really can," he crooned at her. "Admit it, you love watching my face."

She leaned down to kiss his face. "I do. You get this look as you come… almost as if it was just this side of painful."

She tried to do an imitation of his O face, the look he got as he orgasmed, and that made him chuckle, too.

"Watch it, or I will do imitations of you."

"You know what my O face looks like."

"Sure do. And now I am rested enough to wear you out. Make sure that you sleep well."

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