Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Thanks to BanSidhe [ruadh sidhe] and Feebes86 for betaing and pre-reading.

"Pack meeting, now," growled Jake. Embry was looking for Brady, and Leah was missing, looking for Lucas.

"I'll go make myself useful or call my Dad or something," Angela suggested. She kissed Jake goodbye.

"She's nice," Quil commented as they all walked into the forest to talk. It seemed the right place to do it.

"And tall," said Collin. "Really, really tall."

"You'll have kids like giraffes," said Seth.

Sam changed the subject, "So, what's the plan?"

"I have no idea… but at least we all know what's coming, now. We need to start thinking about ideas… any ideas… no matter how nuts…"

"I reckon they will send someone to find out what happened to that first guy; Demetri?" Paul said. "That's what we'd do if someone was missing."

Sam sighed. "Assuming he even told them he was coming here."

"It's where Bella was living before and the Cullens lived in Forks, so even if they aren't sure, they might send a scout here to ask around," said Jared.

"They have no tech… right? So they won't phone," said Rachel, still holding Paul's hand.

"Shit," Seth said. "If they do phone, the whole town will know Bella is back and someone will just tell them. Charlie didn't go to work yesterday or today and said it was because she was back," Seth pointed out. "All they need to do is phone the police station."

"The hospital will already be dusting her old file off," said Quil.

Jake laughed. "That's true… but I think they will stay old school. And until we get a better idea of when this will all happen, we have to prepare and assume it will be sooner rather than later."

"What if they get smart and just drive in?" Jared asked.

"We can't search cars. We better hope they don't." Jake looked worried. Then he caught sight of Paul and Rachel. They were just about inside each other's pants. "Jeez, you two - will you cut it out! We're trying to have a meeting. Have makeup sex later."

"Sure, sure little brother," Rachel said.

Paul tucked himself in behind her and nibbled at her neck.

"So what does Angela do?" Jared asked.

"She's a journalist but she's got some ideas to rejuvenate La Push. She wants to set up a web-page, allow on-line bookings for tourists for accommodation or tours. She's full of ideas." He inflated with pride.

"You all owe me an apology," Quil said.

"What, why?" Sam asked.

He pointed at Sam. "I said if Bella was back there would be vampires to kill. And I was right." He looked incredibly smug about it.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Fine… sorry, Quil. You were right."

Quil did a little hop in place.

Embry was talking to Brady. They were sitting on the ground in the forest. It hadn't taken him long to track him down. Brady kept digging his fingers into the ground and pulling apart leaves angrily. There were long pauses between their sentences as they both dealt with a subject neither was really happy about.

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