Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Thanks to BanSidhe [ruadh sidhe] and Feebes86 for betaing and pre-reading.

Paul and Embry were patrolling but each was lost in their own thoughts. They felt Leah phase in and out again. And Seth a few times. They returned to silent running, that is until Quil rolled into their heads exuding happiness and stomped all over their pity party.

Hey guys! Sam says you need me.

Paul: Why you?

Quil assumed Paul was asking a real question.

Quil: A creepy guy was asking about Bells in the bar in Seattle. And you know what Sam's spidey senses are like.

Embry: Creepy guy equals vampire?

Quil: Fuck! I hope so! It's awesome! Do you think it could be another newborn army?

Embry: Right because that was all kinds of fun last time.

He couldn't help remembering Leah trying to show her independence and getting Jake hurt. They all winced at the crack of half of Jake's bones breaking in Embry's memory.

Paul: If he is a vampire, then he's not a newborn, dumbass

What? Why?

He's in a bar.

Oh… right. Newborns can't behave themselves in public.

They ran for a while before Quil piped up again.

Embry, can I show you Candie; with an 'ie'.

Yes, Quil.

Paul: What the fuck. Why did you say yes?

It's Quil. He'll show us anyway.

They both got a flash of a bleached blond in a preposterous pose on the closed hood of what had to be her car. Naked.

Embry: oh, my God.

Paul: Well, first off, those tits aren't real.

Quil: What? They sooo are.

Paul: Not. Silicone, buddy. They don't move.

Quil: Who cares. I like them.

The good natured bantering continued for some time until Embry blacked out for a few minutes.

Quil: Where did you go?

Embry: Josh phased. He can isolate a pack member. Just talk to one at a time.

Paul: And he chose you? Interesting.

Embry: I don't think it was deliberate. He's not an alpha… he's something else.

Quil: Awesome!

Paul: Fuck's sake, Quil. Not everything is awesome.

Quil: it so is…

Embry wished he could phase out of the pack mind for about the thousandth time. How did Josh do that? It was a neat trick. Go lone wolf.

They continued patrolling for some time… until…

I'll be home for ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now