Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 - I'll be home for Christmas

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Thanks to BanSidhe [ruadh sidhe] and Feebes86 for betaing and pre-reading.

[AN: some reviewers have expressed concern about the point of same sex imprints. Imprinting is not just about breeding in this AU. With this many people, a few at least are going to be homosexual or bisexual. Given the population of Seattle identifies as 12-15% homosexual. Historically, I understand Native Americans had no such issues with same sex relationships. They called them two spirit people and some tribes thought of them as a third gender.]

Bella pushed at Josh's arm. "You have to go talk to Embry."

Josh glanced at the door that Embry had stormed out of after blowing up about Quil's imprint.

"Please. I'm not a wolf. I'd never find him."

"Okay. Ellen seems busy and I can catch up with her later." He gave her a quick hug. "Come and find me in about half an hour; just call and I'll hear you."


"We need to keep working on that shield."

Her shoulders slumped. "Ugh. It gives me a headache."

He gave her a look.

"I know… I know."

He moved quickly after Embry, senses alert, trying to listen for any sound of the agitated boy as he tracked him through the forest. He was a man now, he supposed. The son he had never known that he had. He had no doubt that he was his son, given the wolf had led him to him.

Ha. That was it. Agitated as Embry had been, he had probably lost it and phased. Josh stripped off and let the wolf out. Concentrating hard, he blocked out all the extraneous voices and other wolves, and he searched for Embry, the way he had done when he was first phased.

Embry? It's Josh. Are you okay?

He felt him. He gave off an odd tumult of emotion; anxiety, anger and embarrassment. He wasn't running; he had phased and was curled up and hidden under a log, so Josh's wolf lay down close to the edge of the forest where he could hear Izzy if she was looking for him.

I've isolated us. No one else can hear you now.


Josh was trying to work out why Embry was embarrassed. Ah, of course. Leah was there.

And I was a dick.

No, I think what you said sounded like the truth, just said a little harshly. And you were sticking up for your friend.

He didn't need my help.

He appreciated it. He seemed worried about you, too. Are you upset he has two women, now?

No. He really did get shafted with the baby imprint.

I can't imagine that is how it is supposed to work.

No, it was weird. I mean Quil wasn't weird. He would never have hurt her or been a pedo or whatever.

How old was she when he imprinted?

She was two.

Wow. That is too young. And a very long time for him to wait for her to grow up.

I'll be home for ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now