Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - this is a work of fan fiction, except for the legends and histories of the Quileute that, of course, belong to them. I pay my respects to their gods.

Bella took over the driving as they got close to Seattle. She knew all the back roads and short cuts and how to get into the lane that led to the back access to the bar. This wasn't Jake's country, it was hers. She walked into the bar and inhaled. It felt likes years had passed since she had left, rather than mere days. The string of dusty Christmas decorations and the lopsided tree on the end of the bar looked more hopeful now, than pathetic as she had remembered them.

The barmaid told her, the boss, Dave, was in his office out the back. She left Jake parked on a bar stool.

She knocked and waited for his curt command to enter. Dave had his feet up on the desk, crossed at the ankles and was frowning at a printout. He had run this bar for a long time. He wore his standard work uniform of white t-shirt and black jeans. He glanced up at her as she entered the room.

"Izzy. You aren't due back until Tuesday night."

"I know."

"You needed your pay now?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

He nodded and gave her a look. "And?" he hinted.

She grinned. He did know her well. "And I've kind of got a bit of a crisis."

"Permanent or temporary?"

"I think it's permanent. Family," she added, as if that would explain everything.

"Didn't think you had one."

She hadn't worked there long but she had always taken every shift and public holiday the other workers didn't want.

"Not much of a one anymore. But I make up for it with an extended family." She thought that was the easiest way to explain the pack; as extended family.

"Right." He stood and opened the safe to get out her salary.

"I'm sorry to let you down. Especially at New Year's when it will be busy."

Dave shrugged. "Someone else will claim that night; it's prime overtime."

"Huge tips, too. Dammit."

"You did warn me you might have to leave in a hurry, one day, but I thought we might have longer than this."

"It's a good bar, Dave and the people are nice. You'll be fine."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence. It's not like I've been running a bar-"

"-for years, I know." She hugged him impulsively. "Thanks for all your help Dave. I do hope to see you again."

He gave her a look, unnerved by her hug. Izzy wasn't into public displays of affection. "Now that just sounds vaguely scary."

"Yeah. I suppose it does." And she refused to say any more.

"Did you want that bag you left with me? It's in the locker here."

"Oh, yes, please." In case she wasn't able to return to her home, she had always had a bag packed with clothes and cash. She usually left it at her workplace. It was part of her planning. She was always ready to run.

"Call me if things change," he said as he handed over her bag.

"I will. Thanks again."

When she walked back out of the office, Dave followed her out. Jake was still perched on a bar stool, nursing a soda and making eyes at the barmaid. She was leaning across the bar and making sure that she had his full attention and that he had a great view of her cleavage.

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