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Thomas started to feel uncomfortable as he walked to his art class. Boys kept watching his every move until he thought he had done something wrong. He cautiously sat at a desk in the classroom and tried to ignore all the eyes on him. He let out a low sigh as he doodled a picture of a wolf. He decided to draw a wolf for a good grade in his class.

As he finished he stood and wrote his name at the bottom. He heard a guy whistle and felt hands squeeze his butt in an instant. He gasps and shoots away like he did when Newt touched him the similar way.

He breathed heavily in shock and turned in the picture. The teacher thanked him and he returned to his seat.

"Hey, pretty boy?" Thomas tried to ignore the random classmate as a folded paper was dropped right in front of him. The boy and his stuck up friends snickered as Thomas bit his lip while reading the paper.

We should hook up sometime, You seem to look real crazy in bed. ~Zart.

Thomas went beat red at the note the boy left. He didn't feel like that with the unknown boy, who he now knew was named Zart.
        He had a thing for Newt and wondered why the blond hooked up with numerous boys at this school.

The flirty boys and touching didn't stop for Thomas. He would feel his thigh or chest being slightly touched while the crowd of students flooded the halls to get to class.

The brunette started to get scared from the touching and didn't know how to stop the situation that seemed to start out of nowhere.

He tried to ignore it until he got in a class with Newt and Minho. He entered the second class of the day and only saw Minho sat with a pile of someone else's textbooks next to him.

The Asian looked at Thomas once he sat next to him. "Where's Newt?" Thomas tried not to sound desperate for the blond who wasn't present.

"Where do you think? He's making out with another boy until the bell rings." Minho sighed and continued to do stuff on his phone.

Thomas started thinking about Newt. How he dates every guy in the school and gets away with it?

Thomas felt a churning in his stomach as he thought about it.

I wanna be one of those guys.


Sorry for the crappy chapter again. Hope I don't make the chapters terrible and nothing happening.

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