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Aris officially hated his life. When he got home that day after school, his mother was all over him, worried for him, wanting to help him. Made him angry. He didn't need help. He's fine and no one can tell him he isn't. He was home alone at the moment, his mother went to go make an appointment with a therapist for him. He sat on the couch, staring at the wall. His eyes spotted car keys. Should I? Good idea to die? No one cared about me anyway. Aris got shoes on, a coat and grabbed the keys. He didn't exactly know how to drive, but that's the point. He jumped in and closed the door, putting the key in and turning the car on. Confused, he looked at the stick shift and tried to figure out how to work the car. "Um," he saw something on the side of the steering wheel and pulled it down, causing the car to roll back. He panicked, "uhhh." he grabbed the wheel and turned it, the car backed into his lawn. "Shit shit shit." he pushed the thing back up to stop the car from going backward.

"I got this. I can do this. Ending my life, yeah." He drove onto the road and slowly made his way down the street. He kept driving, having a bit of trouble keeping the car in the right lane. He gulped. Which one was the brakes again? "Uhm. Shit." he was driving behind another car, but his car got dangerously close to it.

He slammed his foot on one, making the car speed up. His car hit the one in front and he just released both his feet. "What the hell!" He saw a guy get out of the car and walk over to his window. He slammed his hand on the window. Aris gulped and rolled it down, "yes sir?" The guys face was red with frustration. "You damaged my car!" he yelled in the boys face.

"Right. Im very sorry, sir. Im in a rush, I tried to stop the car. Im sorry." Aris smiled but didn't mean it. Can this guy just leave me alone? Trying to kill myself here. The man grumbled and walked back to the car. He sighed in relief and slowly drove around the guys car.

Time to get back to my mission.

He continued to drive down the road, he started thinking about his life choices. Everything about himself. When he looked back at the road, he saw a flash of headlights.

Then everything went black.


Aris woke up laying on a couch. It want his home. He sat up but winced, he hand had a white bandage wrapped around it, blood stained. "Hello?" He looked around the room. A figure then appeared from a doorway and right when Aris caught the boys eyes, he was lost in them. His chocolate brown eyes, nice lips. "You okay?" The boy walked in, closed the door, and leaned against the cool wood. Aris nodded, glancing down at his hand, then his scarred arms. Scars everywhere. He gasped and tried to hide his arms.

"Hey, its okay. Don't worry." He walked to Aris and sat next to him. Aris shook his head, tears already going down his cheeks, slowly. The boy rubbed his shoulders, Aris wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him, digging his face in his shoulder and wetting his shirt with his tears. "Who are you anyway?" He stuttered, rubbing the tears away.

"I'm Nathan." Nathan still had his hands on Aris's hips, and honestly, Aris never wanted him to let them go, "who are you?" Nathan asked, Aris smiled slightly. "Aris."

"Nice to meet you,"

"You too,"

Aris couldn't get his eyes off of Nathan, "why haven't I seen you before?" Aris asked, not meaning to.

"I don't go to Wicked highschool. I go to a different one about an hour away from it." Aris nodded, feeling kinda sad. He meets this cute guy who pretty much saved his life and they won't see each other after this.

"That sucks, going to different schools." Nathan nodded and sighed. "Do you want me to show you my school? Only a few minutes away." Aris felt his face heat up, "sure." Aris followed him to his car and he started driving.
  Nathan was thinking about asking the boy why he was trying to drive when he didn't know how, but he understood that would break the boy down so he stayed quiet and turned the radio on.

"So...what's your school like?" Aris wanted to start a decent conversation with him.

"Well. Its the school of arts. People with talent, dancing, singing. Playing instruments, drama, drawing, painting. All that." Aris nodded. "That sounds like an amazing school, but I don't have any talents. My friends though, they have talent."

"Okay, what friend has talent." Nathan grinned and parked his car in the schools driveway, but wanted to continue this conversation.

"His names Newt, British, homosexual, singer." Nathan chuckles and nods. "Other friends?"

"Well, Newt told me Thomas was a really good singer. Thomas is other friend. American, from New Jersey. He's Newt's boyfriend." Nathan nodded again and smiled.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Nathan asked, assuming Aris was straight, taken fact that Nathan, himself, is gay just like the blonde had explained about his friends.

Aris glanced down, "boyfriend? No, I used to have a boyfriend, but. Didn't work out."

"Im so sorry about that." Nathan set his hand on his thigh and Aris blushed. "Its okay."

"Well. We're here. Do you want me to show you around?" Nathan unbuckled. "Sure." Aris unbuckled and followed him to the entrance of the school.

Well this sorts changed. Meh. Stuff are gonna get a lot better for Aris yay. The picture up top is Nathan, you probably already knew that but.
I have a lot more stuff planned for this story. More Aris and Nathan. Minho and Teresa, Newt and Thomas.
This story is like Newtmas with additional shippings. Still Newtmas, Am I right.
Do you guys want this story to end with them graduating?
Comment if you do or anything else
Just so you know I do have the ending planned which is them graduating.

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