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Thomas latched onto Newt as he and Minho walked towards the door of the blonde's house. Minho opened the door for Newt to get into the building quickly.
      "It's gonna be alright, Tommy." Newt lay him on the couch and rubbed his forehead lightly.
       Thomas remained still, as if paralyzed. Shocked from the troubled event that had developed at school.        
       Newt was terrified about what had happened at the school. He was worried about Thomas. He cared for the brunette, and couldn't stand his Tommy is so much pain.

Even if he made a mistake as why Thomas got all the uncomfortable touching out of nowhere. He was the cause of it, but he couldn't tell him. He couldn't tell anyone. He didn't wanna lose Thomas's trust for him. He felt the brunette warming up to him, he couldn't screw the vibe up between them.

With a sigh, Newt was pulled out back into reality when a shaking cold hand rested on his arm. He looked at the scared boy and stared into his big brown eyes.

"Tommy," Newt spoke softly and pressed their foreheads together. "You're gonna be alright, baby." Newt let the last word slip out on purpose, messing with Thomas was so fun!

Thomas felt his cheeks heat up as a blush appeared on his cheeks. Newt grinned when the boy moved his hands up to wrap around his neck carefully.

"How about we watch a movie?" Newt simply said, still grinning. Thomas nodded and Newt pulled away. Thomas missed Newt's warm touch and it slowly lowered his happiness.

Does Newt even like me?

He sat up as he listened to the sound of popcorn seeds being poured into a pot, sizzling lightly as they cooked.

"You can find a movie on Netflix to watch!" Newt called from the kitchen. "Okay!" He replied and spotted the remote next to him. He grabbed it and looked through the movies.

Newt had finished the big bowl of popcorn and sat next to him. Thomas still couldn't find a decent film to watch. "Having trouble?" Newt wondered.

"Ugh!" Thomas dropped the remote in the blonde's lap and crossed his arms, his lip out as he pouted. Newt laughed and looked through the films and TV shows that appeared.

"What genres you like?" Newt glanced at Thomas. "Romance..Ac-" He was interrupted by Newt who said okay and Newt put on a romance movie.

Thomas frowned but looked at the screen while grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "What are we watching?" He leaned back and lay his head on his shoulder as he shoved a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"GBF." Thomas was confused at what that meant. When he couldn't understand it, he glanced up at Newt who rolled his eyes playfully.

"Gay best friend."

"Oh," Thomas shrugged and lay his head back down as it started.

((AN: remember what Dylan and Thomas watched in my first story? Sorry to say this but my dylmas story was so terrible and cringe worthy.))

They were 40 minutes into it when Thomas yawned slightly. The popcorn was gone now and Newt knew what the boy needed.

He grabbed Thomas's arms and moved to lay on his back, he pulled him to lay against his chest and Thomas smiled and rested his head on his firm chest.

Newt pulled the blanket they had used over them, covering Thomas's waist down. Thomas grinned and watched more of the movie.

When the movie was over, Newt looked at the sleeping boy on him. He grinned and turned the TV off before grabbing his waist.

"Good night, Tommy." Newt kissed his forehead before drifting to sleep.

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