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Minho turned music on as they drove away from Thomas's house. The boy bit his lip when the song came on, resisting the urge to sing along, but Minho was there so no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't.

"This song is amazing!" Minho turned it up and sang along, of course he wasn't that good a singer, but he couldn't care less. Thomas cringed at his voice.

"Minho! Shut up!" Thomas groaned,  extending the 'o'. Minho stopped and frowned, "why you hating? Pretty boy can't sing?"

"You fail at singing!"

"I know! Do you sing?"

Thomas froze. He could, but he didn't want anybody hearing him. He's shy.

"No I can't." The brunette lied and crossed his arms, acting casual behind the false statement.

Minho rose an eyebrow, "why you ask me then? If you can't either." Minho glanced at him for a split second.

"Well, I-um I ca- really, the thing is... " he kept stuttering.

You screwed up. Nice, Thomas, you fail.

Minho had a smirk playing on his lips,  "you can. Can't you?" Minho had stopped at a red light in the small amount of traffic, turning to the younger boy.

Thomas met his gaze, "yes, no! I can't I fail at singing!" He said it way to quickly.

"You can, Thomas. Don't deny it." Minho rubbed his shoulder.

"I can't alright!" He yelled. Minho was surprised, considering the fact that Thomas was the most innocent boy he has ever met, and nicest.

"Alright, I'll stop." Minho backed away and started the car again when the light turned green.

"Where you wanna go?" Minho asked after an hour of driving as they past by buildings.

Thomas thought for a minute, "the bar!" He thought it wasn't a very good idea, but he actually really wanted to.

Minho smirked, "that's what I'm talking about, Thomas! Yeah." He high five him and drove towards the bar that he likes to go to.


Newt sighed, bored. He had nothing to really do, he hated the conversation between he and Minho on the phone. Newt still hated the fight between them, and how he, himself had been so stupid.

He missed Tommy.

"Maybe I can ring him and ask to hang out? Some time at least?" He clicked call and waited.

After five rings, he could hear a screaming Thomas.

"Tommy?" Newt asked, he could hear loud music playing in the background and Thomas giggled.

"Tommy, what's going on!  Where are you?" Newt was confused where he was.

Thomas laughed, "Minho, this is amazing!"

"Thomas! Where are you!" Newt yelled into the phone.

He groaned, "Newtie, calm down! Minho and I at the bar, massive party going on. Bye! " Newt heard him giggling then he just have hung up.

What? Him and Minho.

Newt growled, Minho is a dick, why would his Tommy hang out with that asshole.

Newt once again destroyed his house from being angry and paced around the house.

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