Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

Laughing, dancing and making fun. Me and the girls were having a good time until my dad showed up.

His friend is the owner of this club and also way much cooler than my dad is.

'Christina what the hell are you doing here?!' my dad shouted through the music.

'Well what does it looks like dad?' I said still being a bit drunk. 'You said you were going to Miranda!' he shouted. 'Yea I was, but then we decided to come over here.' The girls were trying to hold in their laughs but they couldn't. 'You're lucky that I have something to do now. When I'm back you're coming home with me. You hear me.' But before I could say anything he walked away.

I turned my attention back to the girls when my dad was out of sight. 'Wow your dad is angry.' Lara said while leaning over my shoulder. She almost fell so I picked her up.

'You don't say..' I sighed and rolled my eyes.

'Christi you promised me to sleep over tonight.' Miranda said with a sad look on her face.

'Yes I'm sorry but my dad..' I stopped when I saw her talking to a random guy. 'Ok thanks for listening to me.' I said only for myself to hear. I rolled my eyes and saw my dad coming.

'Girls I gotta go.' I said but of course they didn't hear me. I walked to my dad and went outside.

My dad grabbed me by my arm and pushed me into the car. 'DAD! That hurts!' I yelled.

'I don't care, shut up.' He said not giving a flying f' and slammed the door shut. He got in and started the car.

'I don't understand you. I am 17 years old so why is it bad if I go out?' I said irritated. How could he just drag me out of the club and then not saying anything to me. He's supposed to yell at me and give me a long, boring speech right? He just ignored me and took out his phone.


'Yes she's with me.'

'She was in Jake's club.'

'Yes. She was with Lara and Miranda.'

'Alright, we're almost home.'

'Love you too.'

Right.. now my mom is also aware of this so I will be attackted before I get in the house. We stopped at a traffic light and I looked outside the window. I saw a group of boys smoking some stuff but one of them caught my attention.

My ex boyfriend, Orlando Brittain.

That son of a bitch used me for my dad's drugs. He said that he loved me but I've never believed that. I was done with him. He treated me like shit and now all he tries is to get me back. Well, I don't think so. He caught me looking at him and a cheeky smile crept on his face. He blew hand kisses but I just sent him the finger.

The light immediately turned green and we drove away.

'Mom! What's the big deal?! Am I dead? No!' I yelled. 'But what if something happened to you! You're just lucky because your dad was there.' She said angry. My mom didn't stop talking about how bad I have been acting lately and how disrespectful i've been.

'Next time you better watch out.' My dad said through gritted teeth. My parents are weird. My dad is a drugs dealer and is never home. My mom was 15 when she got me. She also is addicted to alcohol and does nothing else but sleeping. And they wanna tell me what to do?

Uh, I don't think so.

I heard my dad mumble something.


I sighed and walked upstairs to my room.

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door of my room shut. I'm so done with them. I'm out of here. Sooner or later.

I kicked off my heels and walked into my bathroom. I removed my make up and got undressed. When I walked into the shower I became a bit dizzy. That alcohol really affected me.

After I got done I brushed my hair and then my teeth. I quickly changed into pajamas and made my way towards my bed. My blanket covered my body. Within three minutes I fell asleep.

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