Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.

It has been 2 weeks now since Christopher told me I've killed Orlando. That's when everything was put in its place. The story, the nightmares and the memories were complete. I was in shock but I knew that I tried to defend myself. Lara and Miranda were here for me since I had my mind back. I now remembered everything. Even my feelings for


He had tried everything to get me my mind back. And if you want to know what happened with Orlando's body, Chris hid it. Although they did find the body but they had no clue who did it. He threw his body in a lake so they wouldn't find it in my house and I wouldn't be arrested if I'd wake up. He had cared about me all the time and he helped me through everything in the past few weeks.

I was doing grocery shopping for me and Chris. If you didn't knew, my birthday was last week but it wasn't like I had expected it. But of course because of all that happened lately. And despite of that I had an amazing birthday with Chris, Miranda and Lara. I have my own place now nearby Chris' house. He actually stays with me though. I went to school for the first time two days ago and Chris, Lara and Miranda never left my side. But ok, back to grocery shopping.

I was looking for the pasta but I couldn't find it anywhere. I decided to just ask someone who works here. 'Excuse me, do you know where I can find the pasta?' 'Uh, it's behind you ma'am.' He pointed to the pasta behind me. Well that was embarrassing. 'Thank you.' I said trying to run away from this awkwardness.

'That will be $36,38 please.' I payed with my credit card and he thanked me. When I walked out of the supermarket I saw someone leaning on my car. 'Hey you! Get away from my car!' I yelled. The person turned around and my jaw dropped. It's Orlando's dad.

'Oh, hi Mr. Brittain. Can I help you?' I asked politely. He walked over to me.

'What happened to my son?' I could smell that he's been drinking but he sounded also very sad.. Or mad idk. 'I.. I don't know sir. I saw the news and I'm so sorry for your lost.' He looked me in the eyes. His eyes looked empty. He checked me up and down and then walked away.

My heartbeat went so fast that it almost jumped out of my chest. I threw the groceries in the trunk and got in in the driver's seat. I looked up in the mirror and my face was pale. Shit. I started the car and drove off to my place.

I was laying on the couch when Christopher came in. 'What's wrong Christi? Your head seems to be in another world since you're back from grocery shopping.' He said. I let out a soft sigh.

'I've talked to Orlando's dad.' Chris froze when I said that. He sat on a chair across from me and turned all his attention to me. 'Y-you didn't tell him did you?' I looked at him in disbelief. 'Are you crazy?! Of course not!' I said irritated. How could he think that I'd put myself AND him in so much trouble. 'Well what happened then?' He asked. 'Nothing happened it's just..' I sighed. 'It's just that he looked very broken and empty. I killed someone and broke a family.'

He scooted over to me and wrapped his arms around me. 'Don't think like that. You were only defending yourself, and I'm glad you did.' I looked up at him. 'What do you mean?' He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. 'Because if he had killed you I was the one who was broken and empty.' He looked down at our hands. I felt a knob in my throat and swallowed to hold back the tears. I looked up at him and cupped his face in my hands. 'Listen Chris, there's no need to be sad cause I'm here. With you.' A small smile appeared on my face and he smiled back. 'And I'm thankful for that.' He said.

My heart was beating faster when he leaned in. A part of me wanted to kiss him but the other part won't. I decided to turn my head so his lips landed on my cheek.

'I-I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that.' Chris apologized. 'Don't worry about it, I'm just not ready I guess.' He nodded. 'I understand Christi.' I hugged him tight, reassuring him that it really was ok. 'I just need a little more time to get over the things that happened. I'm not ready for a relationship nor love.' I pecked him on the cheek and walked to my bedroom.

'Christina! I'm going to my parent's house. My family will be there in 10 minutes.' He knocked on my bedroom door. I opened the door and hugged him. 'Okay. Have fun.' He hugged me back. 'You're not mad at me right? From.. you know.' He said biting his bottom lip. Damn. 'No I'm not mad. Go have fun, I'll call Lara and Miranda to come over tonight so I won't be alone.' 'Ok babe.' He winked at me and left.

'Babygirllll!' The girls jumped on me when I opened the door for them. I laughed and tried to push them off of me. 'Get your heavy asses of my body!' 'Sorry, we still can't believe everything's back to normal, but even better!' Lara said. 'Yea, we almost lost you and we are so thankful that you're still here, everyday.' Miranda added. 'Aw, I love you guys!' They hugged me and we walked into the living room.

'So what are we going to do?' Lara asked. 'I thought maybe we can have dinner outside and do some shopping since it's only 6 PM.' 'Sounds great!' Lara jumped. Me and Miranda laughed. If you would only knew about her food addiction. Wow.


'What do you think?' I asked as I turned around to show my outfit. 'Wow! I like it.' Miranda squealed. 'Looking sexy babe.' Lara winked. 'I like your style way much better than before.' She added. 'True, you're a real lady Christina.' Miranda said. I blushed at their compliments. 'Thanks girls.' I turned around to look in the mirror. I was wearing a mid thigh chanel skirt that was tightened around my waist. With a white chanel blouse on top of it and a golden belt to complete the outfit. I had also a pair of white heels that matched with the blouse.

'I think you should buy the whole outfit.' Miranda said. 'Yea, don't you have that dinner at Christopher's house this weekend?' Lara asked. 'Yes, do you think I should wear this?' I turned around and looked at my outfit again.

I like this. The new me.

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