Chapter 22. Leaving.

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Chapter 22.

Clothes on the floor, jewelry and make-up in the bathroom, shoes all over the living room. It's a mess, I know. I was running through my apartment looking for my suitcases until the bell rang.

'Chris.' I said. 'Christina, hi. What happened? Why did you left and didn't talk to me anymore?' I rolled my eyes and walked back inside. 'Christi, what's wro.. WOW, what's going on in here?' He asked shocked. He stepped over some clothes and came into my bedroom.

'Get out! Don't you see I'm busy?' I threw a shirt to his chest and he caught it. 'No I won't get out. What is going on with you?'

I turned my head to face him. 'Look Chris, I'm leaving. I don't fit in this picture or in your life or anything. I just have to move away from Washington and start on my own, finishing my senior year, get a job, go to college, start a new life and I don't want you to stand in between all that. I've been through enough and I realized that being here will never help me forget my past and to find myself nor be myself.'

I finished my, from what it seemed a speech, and continued doing my stuff. 'What?! You're leaving??!' He stood in front of me so I looked up. 'Yes that's what I told you, didn't I?' 'How can you just leave your hometown, your friends, me, us?' 'Excuse me? Us? There is no us Christopher, there has never been.' When I said that he looked hurt.

'Ok, well fine then.' He walked to the front door and got out. 'After all I've done for you Christina.' He said before shutting the door.

I sighed and sat on the corner of my bed. He did a lot for me, thats true. But I didn't ask for it, I mean it was nice and all but that doesn't mean that I can't leave and live my own life. I stared at the floor and all the mess. My plane will leave tomorrow evening and I didn't even started packing. I have to find my suitcases first.

I walked into the basement of the building and looked for my storeroom. '30C...30C..' I whispered while walking past all the doors. 'Yes found it.' I opened the door and turned the light on. I saw my suitcases in the back and sighed out of relief. Now I can finally start packing.

While my food was in the microwave I moved all of my stuff into the hallway. My closet was empty, the garbage was all outside and the apartment was all cleaned up. My food was ready and I took a seat at the dining table. Happy little pill by Troye Sivan was playing while I was eating my food and staring at my plate. I can't wait to be away from here, to meet new people and get a job. I really need this. Time for myself. My own life.

--- At the airport.

'Thank you.' I said to the steward who helped me with my stuff. I turned around and looked at Miranda, Lara and Sadi. 'Well this is it.' I looked at my feet while I bit my lip. Lara's tears rolled down her cheeks and she jumped in my arms. 'Christina I will miss you so so much.' She said between sobs. 'We've been through so much, I've seen you maturing, transforming into this strong, beautiful woman. I've almost lost you a couple times but I'm so glad I'm still able to hold you and be with you. I will never forget about you.' She took a deep breath while she looked at me and more tears escaped her eyes. I wiped my tears and smiled at her. 'Lara, I love you so much and I'm glad you were here with me all this time. One day we will reunite again, I promise.' I hugged her again, but thighter this time. She let go of me and took a step back. 'I love you too.' she mouthed. Then Miranda stood in front of me.

'Christina..' she started but then burst into tears and pulled me in for a hug, 'I'm going to miss you.' She became quiet and looked at her feet. 'What's wrong?' She sighed and looked at me. 'I'm going to move to Europe in a couple months, so... I won't be able to see you that often anymore. Maybe once a year or so.' She sobbed in my neck while she held me again.' 'WHAT? Why didn't you told me before?' I couldn't believe what she said. 'I didn't knew you would leave so soon, I actually didn't knew you would move at all until Lara told me.' 'Oh my god, no! I will miss you so much! We will stay in contact, you promise?' She nodded. 'Have fun in Europe babe. You will love it there, I know it.' 'Thanks, I will. You have fun in Florida! You need that time and space for yourself.' She hugged me again and I smiled.

'My great little artist.' Sadi began. 'I've always believed in you and I've always known that you're a strong, independent woman. You have been through a lot and you have also changed a lot! In a good way though. I wish you the best and maybe we will see each other again soon.' She hugged me. 'Thank you Sadi. I love you.' I closed my eyes trying to hold more tears back.


'You're ready to go?' The steward asked me. 'Uh, yeah I guess so..' 'WAIT! CHRISTINA!' Me and the girls turned around. Allison and Gerald were running towards me. 'Allison? Gerald?' I whispered. 'Christina, were you about to leave without saying goodbye to us?' Allison had tears in her eyes and so has her husband. They both held me and hugged me tight. 'I'm sorry.' I whispered while tears rolled down my cheek. 'How did you know I was leaving?' They looked behind them and that's when I saw Christopher standing in the distance. My heart dropped when I saw him standing there with roses in his hand. He walked over to me and handed me the flowers. He wiped his tears and looked into the distance to avoid eye contact. 'I didn't know what to bring so I brought you flowers.' He took a quick look at my face and looked away again. 'I'm going to miss you.' He hugged me and it took a moment for me to hug him back. I sobbed in his chest and looked at him. 'Chris, I..I just want to say thank you for everything and thank you for believing in me. I hope you understand that I have to leave because of my past and because of the space I need. I will always remember you. I'm going to miss you too.' He nodded and gave me a weak smile. 'I understand.' He pecked my cheek and took a step back.

'Miss, we have to go now. Your plane will leave soon.' I nodded at the steward and turned around. 'Bye guys, I love you and I will miss you all.' 'We will miss you! Take care.' The girls said while still sobbing and wiping their tears. I waved goodbye and walked along with the steward. I took one last look before I walked outside and saw Christopher leaving by himself.

It kinda broke me seeing him like that. I'm sure he will get over it. They all will. People who have been there through good and bad were blessings. And those people will always stay in your heart even when they're gone. They will always be the best part of your past.


I closed my diary and took a last sip of my coffee. 'It's time to go to work honey.' My husband said and pecked my lips. 'Jup it is, see you tonight darling. Love you.' 'Love you too.' He yelled after me and I closed the door.

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