Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

White walls and white curtains. Beeping noises and echoes from talking people. My eyelids felt heavy when I tried to open them but I soon closed them again. What happened?

'Christina can you hear me?' I didn't recognize the voice but I let out a little moan. I flinched when I felt someone touching my arm. It did hurt but I couldn't move. 'I think she's awake !' The voice said again. 'Christina, this is Doctor Brad. You've been in a coma for six days but everything seems to be fine. Your friend Christopher brought you to the hospital on time.'

When I heard those words I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What happened? Why am I in a coma? Who is Christopher?

So many questions where going through my head right now.

'What happened?' I asked. 'Christina you've woken up from your coma. I wanted to ask you what happened but I assume you have amnesia.' The doctor said. 'Yea I've heard that and I guess..' I was worried, I really couldn't remember anything. 'Christi, it's me Chris.' I looked at the boy but couldn't remember his face nor his name. 'Christopher Henderson.. Don't you remember me?' He teared up as he started questioning me. I lightly shook my head. 'I am so sorry. It's gonna be alright, I hope.' I whispered and held his face. I slowly rubbed my thumb across his cheek trying to recognize his features. He held my hand and kissed it. 'Christina, I'm going to help you get your mind back. I will do everything for you to get to know me again. Everything.' Tears escaped my eyes when I saw him shaking and crying as well. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out.

I didn't realize that I fell asleep and that the guy named Christopher was also sleeping on a chair beside my bed. After 4 hours of sleeping the doctor came in. 'Christina, we've checked everything and from what it seems you only have amnesia. There's nothing we can do anymore but at least you're safe. We've tried to reach your parents but it didn't work. Christopher assumed to take you home with him. Is that ok with you?' Christopher looked at me. I could see that he was tired. It looks like he hadn't slept for days. 'Yes. I will go with him.' I said. Chris smiled and hugged me.

Two days after I've been sent home from the hospital I was feeling a lot better. I have had a lot of nightmares in those two nights. I don't understand.. I keep seeing a face. Scared, frightened, confused. I kept stabbing the guy. So weird cause I really don't know why.

'So how are you feeling?' Someone asked me snapping out of my thoughts. It was Mrs. Henderson. 'Oh, uh yea. I'm feeling alright.' I fake smiled and she gave me a warm smile back. 'Good. Let me know if you need anything sweetheart.' 'I will.' I nodded. This was really new for me. People who care about me. Nice people and a REALLY big house! Cause yea, you're staying at the president's place so what do you expect? Everything.

When I was back in my room I laid on my bed and wrote about 'day 3 with amnesia'. I keep writing stuff I see or feel, so I won't forget the things I just remembered.

Yea sounds logical.

I heard someone softly knocking on my door. 'Come in.' I answered. I saw two girls standing in the opening of my room. Both had been crying I guess cause their eyes we're all red and puffy. And nope, I really don't know what they're doing here cause I don't know them. They just stood there not saying a word. 'Uhm can I help you?' I asked.

'Oh my god, it's true.' One of them whispered. 'She doesn't know us anymore.' Tears fell out of their eyes again. 'I'm not following here.' I said confused. 'Christi, we are your best friends, Lara and Miranda. Don't you know us anymore? Did you literally forgot everything?' The other one asked. I closed my eyes and tried to think. I keep seeing the face of that scared guy. I shocked and quickly opened my eyes. 'No i'm sorry, i'm afraid not.' I said.

The girls stared at me for a while and then walked away. Two minutes later Chris knocked on my door. 'Everything okay?' He asked. 'Yea sure.' 'Ok cause I saw how the girls left so I thought maybe something happened.' No it's fine thanks.' I fake smiled and turned my attention back to my journal.

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