Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

Today I decided to visit Allison and Gerald. I called Allison and she was happy to hear from me again, she said that I could come over and that I also could stay the night. She kept my room exactly the same as before because she said it was mine and I could come anytime I want.

'CHRISTINA!' Allison yelled when she opened the door. She hugged me so tight that I could barely breath. 'I've missed you so much!' She whispered. I hugged her back and teared up realizing how much I've missed her and a place where it felt like home. 'I missed you too.' I sobbed in her chest. 'Mom.' She looked up at me. 'Did you just call m-me..' 'Yes' I cut her off. 'I called you mom.' Her smile grew bigger and she kissed me on the cheek.

'Come in darling.' We walked into the house still holding each others arms. I walked into the living room and saw Gerald sitting on the sofa. He looked up at me and immediately walked over to me. 'Welcome home Christina!' He said and kissed my forehead. He held me for like 2 minutes and then let go off me. 'Thank you Gerald.' I smiled. 'So how have you been?' Gerald asked as we all sat down. 'Good I guess. I mean my friends helped me a lot through everything and I'm thankful for them.' I smiled. 'That's great Christina. We were so worried and I'm glad your friends took care of you.' Allison said and hugged me from beside. 'How and what did actually happen to you?' Gerald asked not knowing if he should ask it or not. Allison gave him a look and I saw that he regretted his question. 'I-I'm sorry, It's non of my business I shouldn't ask..' I cut him off. 'It's ok, I don't want to talk about it actually.'

He stood up. 'You know what! From now on, we will forget about the past and we're going to live as a real family now.' He announced. Then Allison stood up and put her hand up. 'I'm in.' She smiled looking at her husband and then they looked at me. I started laughing. I stood up and did the same.

'I'm in.'

Allison and I were cooking dinner together. We were making pizzas and we were all over the sauce. 'Allison you have sauce on your nose.' We laughed and she put more sauce on my face. 'Your face is all over it Christi.' We were laughing even harder when Gerald entered the kitchen. 'What the hell is going on in here?' He looked at us as if we were the dumbest people alive. Allison and I looked at each other and giggled. 'Well, if you two would hurry it's fine. I'm hungry.' And with that he left the kitchen.

'Oh oh, the man in the house wants to eat.' Allison rolled her eyes and I laughed. 'Yup, let's finish this.'

'So our son will be back from college for a break. In two weeks he will be home and I would like you to meet him.' Gerald said. 'Yes I would love to meet him. What's his name again?' 'Ryan. He is 19 years old.' Allison answered and winked at me. Oh gosh they really don't think that..

Never mind.

After we had done the dishes I went up to my room. It's a long time since I've been here. Even though I wasn't staying here for long, it still felt like home and I've missed that. I took my phone and decided to text Christopher.

Christina; Hi Chris. I'm staying at Allison and Gerald's tonight. I see you tomorrow. Goodnight.

I placed my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a long shower I changed into a pajama short and a tank top. I jumped into my bed and covered my body with a blanket. I had received a text message from Chris.

Christopher; Ok babe. Goodnight.

I smiled of him calling me babe and with that I fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Hmm, that's also something that I've missed. I stretched my arms out and let out a little yawn. When I picked up my phone I saw three text messages. 2 from Chris and 1 from Lara.

Chris; Morning sunshine!

Chris; Don't forget dinner tomorrow night ;)

Lara; Aye girl, meeting at Miranda's house at 4.

Wtf. Meeting? Ok whatever.

I text them back and did my morning routine. Now it's time for breakfast!


I arrived at Miranda's house and before I stepped on the porch Lara pulled me into the house. 'Lara! What are you doing?' 'We have to talk. This is really serious.' I felt terrified because I've never seen them so serious before. 'A-about what?' Miranda sat down on the couch and mentioned me to sit next to her. When I sat down they both looked at me.

'The police opened a case against the murderer of Orlando. They are looking for suspects and Orlando's dad thinks you or your dad killed him.' Lara said with mixed emotions. Angry, sad, aggressive and frustrated. My jaw dropped. I stared for a full two minutes to the floor.

'M-m-me?' Was all I could get out of my mouth. 'Yes but you don't have to worry.' Miranda said. 'We'll fix an alibi for you. And besides, the police will never chase after you cause there are so many drugs dealers and criminals who were looking for Orlando so why would they arrest you?' I loosened up a little. Maybe she was right. 'We'll get out of this Christi. Don't worry!' Lara reassured.

I nodded with a small fake smile. 'You have dinner at Chris tomorrow night, right?' Miranda asked changing the subject. 'Yea, his family is still there and there are also coming a few friends of his parents.' I said. 'Well why don't we go to the salon to do our hair and nails to relax a little and so that you'll be fresh tomorrow.' 'Sounds good.' I smiled. 'I'll get the car keys.' Miranda said and me and Lara walked to the car.

When Miranda made sure everything in the house was locked we hopped in the car. Me in the backseat and Miranda and Lara in the front. 'The reason we told you this is so you'd be aware of what's coming. It's not that we wanted to freak you out or something.' Lara said. I nodded. 'I know thanks. But how do you know this?' 'Orlando's dad told me.' My eyes widened. 'Wow what?' 'He said that he would keep an eye on you.' Miranda said. 'But don't worry, he's not gonna find out anything. We're here for you. And so is Chris, so...' She added and winked at me through the mirror above her head. I smiled small. 'Thanks.'

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