Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

Me, Lara and Miranda went to my house after school to pick up my stuff. Today i'll live in a guest family.. But in two weeks i'll be already leaving cause i'm turning 18. Turn uppp. That's when i'm going to start living.

'You ready girl?' The girls asked me. I breathed in and out.

'Yes.' I nodded. 'I'm ready.'

Miranda knocked on the door. Soon it opened and revealed a young tall woman with brown hair. She was really pretty actually.

'Good afternoon girls.' The woman said and then looked at me. 'You must be Christina.' She smiled at me and shook my hand.

'Yes. Nice to meet you.' I said and smiled.

'It's nice to meet you too. I'm Allison.' She said and then greeted the girls.

'Let me help you with your stuff.' She said and took some off my bags inside. I thanked her and then she disappeared into the kitchen.

'This house is really pretty.' Miranda said admiring all the white and shiny furniture. 'You sure you're going to leave in two weeks?' Lara asked.

'I don't know, i have to. I'm going to be 18!' I said.

'Girls, do you want something to drink?' Allison asked.

'No thank you, we're going to leave now.' Miranda said. 'It was nice to meet you.' Lara smiled to her. 'Take care of our Christi.' She added. I smiled.

'I will, it was nice meeting you too girls. You can visit her anytime you want.' Allison said to them. We said our goodbyes and then they left.

'Follow me, I will show you your room.' Allison said. I followed her upstairs.

'Don't you have a husband or any kids?' I asked. 'My husband is at work and i have a son but he's in college.' She answered. 'Okay cool.' I said.

'So this will be your room.' She opened the door for me and I went in. 'It's beautiful, thank you.'

'No problem, make yourself at home and call me when you need me. I'll be downstairs.' She winked at me and left. I unpacked my stuff and made myself comfortable in the room.

It's 7 PM and I just had diner. I met her husband and he is also too nice. I'm not used to this but i kinda play along with them. I hope it won't drive me crazy cause i'm never around nice people like them.


7 PM means that I have one hour left to get ready. If you forgot, I have to meet Orlando. I don't want to but I have to. The last thing you want is to get into a fight with him.

'Allison, i'm meeting up with a friend i'll be back soon.' I said while putting my shoes on.

'Okay be safe.' She smiled.

'I will.' I looked at her one last time before I left.

I walked into the cafe and looked around. Orlando was nowhere to be seen. I ordered a drink and waited for him. What is this? It's 8:10. It's not his thing to show up late.

I already had four drinks so I just decided to go to the restroom. I walked around the corner but then someone grabbed me by my arm. My mouth was covered with another hand and everything went black.

When I opened my eyes my head was hurting like hell. I looked around and I was sitting in a basement. My hands were tied up on my back.

'She's finally awake.' I heard someone say. 'Why do you always pass out so fast?' He asked.


I knew it.

'What the fuck do you want?!' I snapped. He kneeled down in front of me and I spat in his face.

'You bitch.' He slapped me in the face and stood up. My cheek was burning.

'I'm going to tell you what I want.' He said. 'Your dad is still owing me something.'

'Too bad cause he's in jail.' I smiled.

'Would you just listen?!' He said getting aggressive. 'I paid your father for drugs. I had to pick it up later. But now, he's gone. You know what that means? I gave him my fucking money for nothing and i want it back!'

'How much did you pay him?' I asked.

'20.000 dollars.'

My eyes widened, that's a lot of money.

'Oh hell no, and what am I supposed to do with that?' I glared at him.

Orlando laughed. 'You're funny. And you know what else. You're also going to fix that money in a week. In seven days I want my money back. Cash.'

I stood up and tried to reveal my hands but I couldn't. 'How am i supposed to do that?! Are you crazy!' I yelled. 'Why don't you just go to my dad at the prison he's staying in huh?'

'Are you fucking dumb? The police are also going to put me in jail for selling drugs.' He snapped.

'That's your problem, not mine.' I snapped back at him.

'Listen girl, you have seven days whether you want it or not I don't care. And if you don't have my money then..'

'Then what? Tell me!' I stared at him. He was inches away from me and looked into my eyes.

'Then it's bye bye Christina.' He whispered and then disappeared into the darkness.

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