Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19.

'We entered the salon and it was pretty empty. Miranda was talking to the girl who works here and me and Lara took a seat by the window.

'So how have you been?' Lara asked me. 'Great actually, thanks. I mean I have my own place now and Allison and her family so I'm glad.' I smiled but soon it faded away.

'What's wrong?' Lara asked confused.

'Sadi!!' My eyes widened. 'I haven't spoken to Sadi since all of this happened! And I was supposed to do a performance at the white house and something like a competition and..'

'Christi! CHRISTI! Calm down!' Lara hold both of my arms and looked into my eyes. 'The white house performance was canceled AND you already did the competition.'

I looked at her. 'Oh.. I'm sorry I just freaked out.. I guess I have to visit her soon.'

Lara nodded. 'It's okay baby. We will go with you if you want too.' When she said that I saw Miranda coming towards us.

'Okay babes, which nail polish do you want?' She asked when she gave us the examples.

'You have to go with red!' Lara said to me. 'Tomorrow you will dress in black and white. So your nails has to be red and so do your lips. We're going to curl your hair so today you have to put some highlights in your hair.'

I blinked with my eyes. 'Wow looks like you've planned it all out.' Miranda and Lara laughed. 'That's what we're here for.' Miranda winked.

After getting our hair and nails done and hours of talking I was back at my own place. Chris is at his parents' because of the guests they're having. I took of all my clothes and decided to take a long shower. When I was done I jumped into my pajamas and made my way to the love of my life.

The kitchen.

I made myself a cup of coffee with marshmallows and grabbed a jar of Nutella with a big spoon. I don't know why but I'm in a weird mood. I grabbed a lot of blankets and placed them on the floor nearby the TV. I closed all the curtains and turned off the lights. When I looked through some movies on Netflix one of them caught my attention. 'Remember Sunday.' From what I've heard it's a beautiful movie so why not watching this one. I placed the coffee beside me and covered myself with the blankets. I pressed play and the movie started while I was enjoying my Nutella.


I woke up by loud knocking on the door. I rubbed my eyes and saw myself still covered in blankets on the floor in the living room. I quickly stood up. 'Shit!' I looked at the time and saw it was already 2:45 PM. What the fuck! Have I really been sleeping this long?! I jumped up when I heard the knocking again. 'Coming!' I grabbed the blankets and threw them in my bedroom. I washed my face and threw my hear into a messy bun.

I opened the door and Miranda and Lara stood there with both a serious look on their face. 'You just woke up, didn't you?' Lara asked with her arms crossed. 'I uh.. Yea.' I bit my lip and scratched the back of my head. Miranda and Lara walked past me and walked in the apartment.

'You didn't reply our text messages nor our calls! Did you forget about dinner today?! At the president's house!' Miranda said. 'I'm sorry, I was tired okay.. I forgot that it was today to be honest.'

The girls both sighed and walked into my bedroom. 'Wow really Christi? All these blankets.' Lara laughed. 'Yea I fell asleep in the living room.'

'Yea yea yea, let's start with your make-over.' Miranda smirked. 'But first you have to take a shower.' Lara said while checking me up and down.

'Will do!' I ran to the bathroom and turned on the water. After I washed my hair and body I got out. I saw Miranda and Lara trying to complete my outfit.

'You done?' Lara asked. 'No I actually came out of the shower because I wanted to wash my hair in the kitchen.' I answered sarcastically. Miranda held her stomach while laughing. 'Lara, why are you stressing so much?' She asked. 'Because it's almost four and Christina has to be there by six! I mean look at her standing there naked with a towel around her body.' Lara pointed in my way and they both looked at me.

'Uh are you two just going to stare at me all day or?' I grabbed my underwear and got dressed. 'I'm going to do your hair, I really like the highlights you did by the way.' Miranda said. 'Thank you.' I smiled.

Lara was ironing my clothes and deciding which make-up and accessories I should wear.

After hurrying with everything it was 5:30 when I was done. I must admit that I look beautiful. I didn't recognize myself as the Christi I used to be.

'You. Look. Stunning.' Miranda and Lara said. 'Christopher's parents would want you to marry him.' Lara squealed. 'Wow, don't overreact too much!' I laughed and slapped her arm. I smiled and hugged them both. 'Thank you so much! You did a wonderful job!' I thanked them. 'No problem baby!' They said simultaneously and pecked both of my cheeks. I smiled and walked out of my apartment.

When I stepped out of the building I saw a car waiting for me. A man came out of the driver's seat and opened the door for me. 'Thank you.' I said and got in.

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