Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.

Last night I told Chris everything about my past, my parents, Orlando and myself. He was really there to listen to me. He cheered me up, he held me the whole night. I've never thought someone could really be that nice. Like in movies.. That's what it felt like.

I showed my emotions in front of someone, which i never did.

He wanted to offer me help with Orlando. He said he could give me the money so i could pay him. But i refused, i have to fix this by my self. I can't just take 20.000 dollars from someone, it's just too much.

I sighed and got out of bed. I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. My normally wavy hair was not so wavy anymore.

'Christina.' Someone knocked on my door. It was Allison.

'Come in.'

'Oh you're already up.' She gave me a warm smile. 'Yes thank you.' I smiled back.

'I'm gonna make you some breakfast, okay sweetie?' 'Thanks, i'm going to take a shower first.' I said. 'Okay take your time.' She winked at me and closed the door.

I really like her. I realized that nice people around you gives you rest, and relaxation.

I looked back into the mirror. I'm almost turning 18 so that means i have much more responsibility. Chris changed something inside me. I feel more human i guess.

Wait, what am i talking about?

I shook my head from my weird thoughts and took a quick shower.

After i was dressed up and done with my hair and make up i went downstairs. A nice smell of pancakes overwhelmed the house.

'You uhh, look great today.' Allison said not sure about her words. 'What's wrong?'

She looked at me and sighed. 'I just think that what you're wearing is a little inappropriate.' I started to get mad. What does she have to say about what i wear or not. 'And why do you think that?!' I asked glaring at her.

She sighed and sat down.

'Christina, before me and Gerald took you in this house we knew everything about your situation. After we heard about that we wanted to make sure that you're going to become a successful, great woman. We want you to be happy and feel loved. We know you will never look at us as your parents but maybe one day you will or you'll understand that we just wanted what's best for you.'

I looked at her. Not knowing what to say. I actually want to scream and yell at her right now but i know i'm not supposed to. Maybe she is right.. Do i need to be loved? Yes. Do i need parents? Well, yea better now than never. But do i need to change?

I sighed. 'I have to think about this.' I said not knowing what else to say. She nodded and left into the kitchen. I ate my pancakes and ran back upstairs.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing short ripped high waist jeans, pumps and a short top that revealed my back. I was never proud of my style. I felt worthless and cheap.

'Allison?' She looked at me. 'Can you help me with my clothes, i have still half an hour left.' A smile crept on her face. 'Of course i want that.' She walked over to me and followed me to my room. 'Let me see what you got.' She smiled.

After a quick 25 minutes of changing clothes and doing my hair and make up over, i was done. 'You ready?' She asked. I nodded.


She turned around the mirror and i looked at my reflection. I couldn't believe what i saw. I was wearing a white flatter top with a pink blazer. A dark skinny jeans with pink shiny pumps. My brown hair was straightened and my make up was very natural. For the first time in my life i felt beautiful.

'Oh my gosh..' I whispered.

'You like it?' Allison asked. 'I love it.' I said still whispering. 'Thank you thank you so much!' I hugged her. 'You're welcome sweetie, you look beautiful. You're a gorgeous woman, and you should be proud of that.' I smiled at her. 'Thanks for being so nice to me.' 'Always honey, now hurry because you're gonna be late for school.' 'I am going right now.' I tip toed to the front door. She laughed. 'See you after school.' She yelled after me. I just waved and made my way to school.

When i arrived i caught people staring at me. Some where whispering and some were just looking in disbelief. Miranda and Lara walked over to me.

'Wow look at you girl!' 'You look beautiful, who did this.' I smiled. 'Thank you babes, Allison did.'

'Wow she has taste. It looks good on you.' Lara said. 'Thank you.'

Miranda stared at me. 'You're really beautiful you know that.' I blushed a little. 'She's right, you really have to show everyone how beautiful you are, not how sexy or hot.' Lara admitted. 'You're almost a legal adult, a grown woman. Not a toy or a walking piece of meat that is supposed to be eye raping at.'

Wow where did that come from..

'You guys are right.' I admitted. 'I have to show some self respect.' The girls smiled and hugged me. 'We're proud of you.' They both said. 'What did Chris do to you yesterday. It's like he's changed you into another person.' Miranda chuckled. I slapped her playfully on the arm. 'Whatever.' I chuckled.

We walked into class and everyone stared at me. Chris mentioned me to sit next to him and i politely accepted it. 'You look very beautiful today.' He whispered. I felt myself blushing. 'Thank you.' I giggled. He looked at me. The smile and the look in his eyes when he looks at me are indescribable. Something i've never seen before.

'Good morning class, this will be the last class before you're getting a test...' I looked at the teacher, not really listening to what she's saying. My mind is too busy thinking about the boy who's sitting next to me.

'PIZZA DAY!!' Miranda screamed through te hallway. Me and Lara laughed at her dumbness. 'Hurry! My little babies are waiting for me to get them in my stomach.' She said and pulled on our arms. When we walked into the school cafeteria i noticed Chris sitting with his friends. He looked over to me and smiled. I blushed and walked back to the girls.

'Wow Christina, you look great.' Emily, a schoolmate, complimented. 'Thanks.' I smiled.

Miranda was waiting for her pizza and Lara was talking to a friend of hers. I received a text from Sadi.

'Hi Christi, today we're going to start practice your song for next week. You have 5 days to practice your song. Call me when you're school day is finsihed. Xo Sadi.'

5 days.. That's when i have to pay Orlando back. Shit.

'Christinaaaa, back to earth. Hellooo?' Someone woke me from my thoughts. I laughed when i saw Miranda waving with a piece of her pizza in front of my face. 'You are weird.' Lara shook her head. Miranda stuck her tongue out to her and went back into her pizza paradise. 'So tell me, what were you thinking about?' She asked. 'Nothing, just stuff.' I shrugged.

Just stuff.. In 5 days i'm gonna be dead.

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