Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

'Christina there's someone for you on the door.' My mom yelled waking me up from my nap.

'Who is it?' I said still tired. 'It's a boy and he..' She stopped talking.

'What's wrong? I said annoyed. 'Can't I be visited by a boy anymore?'

She just stood there by the window with her jaw dropped.

'Uh hello, mom..'

'It's the son of the president. Uhm, Christopher Henderson. Yes he!' She said still not believing her own words.

I rolled my eyes. What is he doing here? I told him to stay away from me.

'Don't open the door for him mom!' But before she could say something I ran back upstairs to my room.

Someone knocked on my door. 'Yes mom?' I asked.The door opened and it revealed a manly figure.


'Hi Christi.' He said a little embarrassed.

'What are you doing here?!' I said. 'I told my mom not to open the door.' I spat.

'Wow I'm sorry, I just came here to check up on you since you just left school..' He said.

'Uhm wait.. Check up on me? Why would you check up on me?' I asked confused.

'Because nobody just leaves school like you did.' He said trying to explain his presence.

'So you, one of the Henderson's actually cares about me?' I said crossing my arms.

'Is that bad?' He asked blushing a little.

'Yes. Now go.' I said annoyed.

'You are..' He stopped for a while and seemed to search for a good word. 'I am what?' I said feeling myself getting impatient.

'You're different.' He said. 'Yea yea whatever. I see you tomorrow in class.' I said and pushed him out of my room. 'You know where the front door is so go!' I said and closed the door of my room. What an asshole.


'Mom! Why did you open the door?!' I yelled.

'Sweetie he was..'

'Oh please, don't sweetie me.' I spat but that's when I heard my dad coming in.


'What the hell is all this yelling about?!' He asked and then he looked at me. '

'Christina! Were you yelling at your mother?!' He said getting closer. He sounds very angry but he's drunk I guess.

'Yes, she did not listen to me.' I rolled my eyes.

'Do you listen to her? No! So why would she even listen to YOU?!' He said getting aggressive.

I felt myself getting angry and losing control over myself.

'Because you think you're taking care of me while you can't even take care of yourself.' I yelled letting tears escape from my eyes. Soon I felt a pain in my stomach and fell on the floor.

'How dare you to talk to us like that?' My dad said through gritted teeth and kicked me in the stomach again. Soon my eyes started to close and everything went black.


'Christi are you awake? Christi?!' I woke up and everything was white and blurry. I closed my eyes again because they hurt.

'Christi?!' I heard again. It was Lara.

'L-L-Lara?' I stuttered. I saw tears in her eyes. 'What's wrong, wh-where am I?' I asked worried.

'You're in the hospital.' Lara said. 'What?! Why?' I asked confused. 'I'll explain it later to you baby, you have to recover.' She said placing her hand on mine.

'Mrs. Christina Smiths. You can go home now. You can't sleep on your stomach for four days and can't go out for a week.' He said to me.

I nodded, knowing I won't listen to that crap. He gave me papers so I could sign them. 'You'll drive her home safely right?' The doctor asked looking towards Lara. 'Yes of course.' She said. He gave us a nod and left the room.


'Where are my parents?' I asked looking around the room. They're not home and weren't at the hospital either. Do they really care that less about me?

'Uhm yea about that.' Lara said and scratched the back of her head. 'Please sit first.' She added. I looked confused and sat down like she said.

'Your parents are.. Uh..'

'Yea well?' I asked getting impatient.

'The police took your parents because they found drugs in your dad's office.' She said super fast while closing her eyes.

I stood up and looked at her in shock. 'WHAT? How did they found it?!! And when?!'

'You were in the hospital for almost a whole day Christi. Your neighbors heard screaming and they called the police. When the police arrived they knew your dad was drunk and they were actually already looking for him because he's a drugs dealer. So they searched the house and took them both with them.'

I couldn't place the things she just said. Me in the hospital. My parents arrested? Not that I even care that much because they actually were messed up. But what am I supposed to do now? I'm just 17, can I live by myself now?

No that's illegal.

'What are you thinking about?' Lara asked waking me from my thoughts.

'Oh sorry, I just thought about what I'm supposed to do now? Is this house all mine now?' I said.

'Uh no.' Lara said looking straight.

'Why? How do you even know?' I asked confused.

'The police told me everything so I could tell you when you were awake.' she said. 'Look I've asked them if you could stay with me but they want to put you in a guest family.' She added.

My eyes widened. 'No you're kidding right?!' 'No I'm not.' she said looking down.

Gosh what am I supposed to do in a fucking guest family? Come on.

'I'm sorry Christi.' she said.

'Don't say that again. It's not your fault. I have to do something about this.' I said thinking.

Lara just stared at me.

'Wait that's it!'' I said and stood up. 'I'm turning 18 in a couple weeks so that means that I'll be able to care for myself.'

Lara looked at me and smirked. 'I know what you're up to.'

I let out a chuckle.

My life, my rules.

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