Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21.

I stripped out of my clothes and threw them across the room. I let out a deep sigh and turned on the shower.

I showered for like an hour and was now laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. My teen years were bad. Except the fact that I had good grades which nobody expected from me. When I think about everything, it feels like I've became a bit stronger. Luckily I didn't became bitchier. But.. Still I have to forget this.. I have too. Orlando's dead still haunts me. I still can't believe that I..

I shook away my thoughts and shut my eyes. The past stays in the past. I cannot be here anymore.

My phone rang and I looked who it was. It was Chris. I didn't answered it. You know, this whole president thing is not going to work for me. I'm just a messed up person who has no parents and who is absolutely not going to fit in that whole lifestyle of them. Their life is too big and too shiny.

My phone rang again but this time it was Lara.

Christina; what's up?

Lara; hey girl! Wow you don't sound exciting.

Christina; why would I be excited?

Lara; well I was about to ask you about Dinner. It didn't went good did it?

I sighed.

Christina; can you come over babe?

Lara; Christi it's 11 AM.

Christina; right.. Well I will talk to you in the morning. I'm going to visit Sadi tomorrow by the way.

Lara; ah, okay. I'm coming with you! Miranda is visiting her grandparents tomorrow.

Christina; okay see ya. Goodnight!

Lara; night bae!

I hung up and placed my phone on the nightstand.


'SADI!' I yelled when I jumped on her.

'Christina! Oh my god where have you been?!' She yelled and hugged me tight.

'It's a long story. You don't wanna know!' Lara interrupted. 'Oh hi Lara, didn't saw you there.' Sadi said and hugged her as well. They both laughed. 'It's okay. Nice to see you again.' 'Same.' Sadi smiled.

'So...' I started before I plopped down on the couch. 'Wow, I really did miss you babe!' Sadi said while throwing a pillow to my face. 'I missed you too man!' I giggled.

'Who wants Starbucks?' She asked. 'ME!' Lara and I both yelled. 'Okay I'll be right back with the coffee and then we will talk about what you guys are up to!' 'Yea will do!' I said. She left and Lara and I were left behind.

'Lara I did wanted to talk to you about something.' I looked at my feet who became very interesting for some reason. 'What's up bae?'

'I'm leaving.' I said without looking up to her.

'What? Why?! What happened?' She asked super confused. 'Well, I think it's better for me to move away from here. Washington was never really my thing anyway.' I looked up and my eyes met hers. 'But what made you do this? Did something happen?' 'Well, last night at Chris', his dad asked about my parents and I sort of panicked so I excused myself from the table and went to find a bathroom. That's when I decided that I had to move on from this fucked up past.'

She looked at me for a while. 'You know, actually I do think this is good for you. Cause with your grades girl.. You can get a big job!' 'Yea true.' 'Where are you planning to move to?' 'Florida.' 'W..wha..wait..WHAT? Florida is like days away from here.' 'Don't be silly, it's a couple hours flying. I won't go without saying goodbye. I just really feel like it's something I have to do, you know.' I shrugged.

'I will be here for you. Just let me know if I can help.' Lara said. I smiled to her and then Sadi came in. 'I'm back with the STARBUCKSSSS!' She sang.

After my visit to Sadi me and Lara went to my place. We ate dinner and cleaned the kitchen and the rest of the apartment. My ass is not going to move anymore today. Lara was playing Temple Run and I was laying on my bed with the laptop looking for cheap plain tickets.

'So you're going to leave.. Please don't go too soon!' Lara pouted while still being concentrated on her game.

I laughed. 'Depends on the ticket I'll find.' 'I am going to pray for you and that ticket! You're planning to visit me huh, when you're gone?'

'Of course I'm planning too. If I have money, no problem. But if I don't.. I guess it will take time then.'

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